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Tag: Kawaii Book

!Kawaii News!, Illustration, [Art Misc]

[27 Feb 2019 | no comment | ]
Alessia Iannetti Presents “The Little Boy and the Glowing Globe”

L’artista italiana Alessia Iannetti presenta alla Dorothy Circus Gallery London la sua mostra “The Little Boy and the Glowing Globe” che raccoglie le illustrazioni dedicate all’omonima favola, scritta dalla musicista svedese Anna Von Hausswolff e dalla regista Maria Von Hausswolff.
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The Italian artist Alessia Iannetti presents at the Dorothy Circus Gallery London her exhibition “The Little Boy and the Glowing Globe” which collects the illustrations of the homonymous fable, written by Swedish musician Anna Von Hausswolff and director Maria Von Hausswolff.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[17 Ott 2018 | no comment | ]
Umijoo: A Book to Raise Awareness for Ocean Conservation

“Umijoo” nasce dalla collaborazione tra Casson Trenor, attivista per la conservazione marina, e l’artista pop surrealista Caia Koopman, è un libro per bambini di tutte le età che mette in connessione gli esseri umani e il loro stile di vita con lo stato gli oceani.
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“Umijoo” is born from the collaboration between Casson Trenor, a marine conservation activist, and the surrealist pop artist Caia Koopman, it’s for children of all ages that connects human beings and their lifestyle with oceans’ health.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[25 Ago 2017 | no comment | ]
Ravina the Witch? by Junko Mizuno at Nucleus Gallery

Nucleus Gallery ospita ancora nei suoi spazi Junko Mizuno, com’era stato già fatto nel 2011 per le tavole di Cinderalla, questa volta in esposizione e vendita troviamo quelle di “Ravina the Witch?”, manga pubblicato originariamente nel 2014 dalla casa editrice francese Soleil.
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Nucleus Gallery houses Junko Mizuno again, as it was already happened in 2011 for Cinderalla original paintings, this time on display and on sale here are ‘Ravina the Witch?’ ones, manga originally released in 2014 by the French publisher Soleil.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration, Painting

[17 Ago 2011 | 6 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Cinderalla by Junko Mizuno at Nucleus Gallery

La rivisitazione in chiave gothic kawaii di Cenerentola dell’illustratrice giapponese Junko Mizuno: un misto di horror, humor, ciccinerie ed ammiccamenti sensuali. In mostra le tavole originali presso la galleria Nucleus dal 6 al 29 agosto.
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A kawaii gothic reinterpretation of Cinderella made by the Japanese illustrator Junko Mizuno: a mixture of horror, humor, cuteness and seductive winks. It’s possible to see all 120 original pages at Nucleus gallery from August 6 to 29.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Toy

[5 Apr 2011 | 10 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Kawaii Art ♥ Valentina Testa

“Kawaii Art” di Valentina Testa è un recente saggio edito da Tunué. Questo saggio è indicato per chi si avvicina per la prima volta al kawaii, dando un’infarinatura sulla sua cultura negli shōjo manga, nell’arte giapponese e nella moda.
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“Kawaii Art” by Valentina Testa is a recent essay published by Tunué. This essay is recommended to people who dont’ know very much about kawaii, broadly speaking about culture in shojo manga, in Japanese art and fashion.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration

[15 Mar 2011 | 6 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Billie the Unicorn - Brianne Drouhard

“Billie The Unicorn” di Brianne Drouhard è uno dei nuovi libri proposti dalla casa editrice Immedium che vede come protagonista una creatura magica e kawaii: l’unicorno Billie.
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“Billie the Unicorn” by Brianne Drouhard is one of the new books published by Immedium and the protagonist is a magical and cute creature: Billie the unicorn.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty

[8 Nov 2010 | 2 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Clio Beauty-Care - Clio “ClioMakeUp” Zammatteo

Clio Zammatteo, meglio conosciuta come ClioMakeUp, il 20 ottobre è tornata in libreria con il suo nuovo libro “Clio Beauty-Care. La Cura della Pelle e i Cosmetici Fai-da-Te”.
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It was published the new book written by Clio Zammatteo, also known as ClioMakeUp, the title is “Clio Beauty-Care. La Cura della Pelle e i Cosmetici Fai-da-Te” (”Clio Beauty-Care. The Skin Care and the Do-it-yourself Cosmetics”).

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Apparel, Graphic, Illustration, Toy

[7 Set 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: The Octonauts - Meomi

Siete amanti dell’avventura? Adorate il genere kawaii? Non potete fare a meno del lieto fine? I tenerissimi Octonauts creati di Meomi conquisteranno i vostri cuori con questa versione kawaii di Star Trek ambientata nell’oceano!
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Are you adventurous? Do you love kawaii? Do you like happy endings? Then the sweet Octonauts will conquer your heart with this kawaii version of Star Trek placed in the ocean!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Graphic, Photography, Place

[23 Nov 2009 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Pink Box - Joan Sinclair ♥ Part 2

La seconda parte di “Pink Box, Inside Japan’s Sex Club”. In questo articolo sono raccolti i diversi tipi di locali del Pink world.
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The second part of “Pink Box Inside Japan’s Sex Clubs”. In this article there are collected the different kinds of clubs of the Pink world.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Graphic, Photography, Place

[17 Nov 2009 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Pink Box - Joan Sinclair ♥ Part 1

“Pink Box, Inside Japan’s Sex Club”, è un libro documentario fotografico attraverso l’industra del sesso giapponese, la seconda più importante della nazione in termini di fatturato l’anno.
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“Pink Box Inside Japan’s Sex Clubs” is a photographic documentary book through the Japanese sex industry, the second largest in the nation in terms of turnover per year.

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