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Articoli in Accessories

!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Underwear, [Fashion Misc]

[1 Apr 2016 | no comment | ]
Creepyyeha: Studs, Rouches, Leather and Tutus

Creepyyeha è il brand di lingerie fetish e ispirato all’arte del bondage fondato da Lisa Leung, giovane designer newyorkese di origini cinesi. Lisa si occupa personalmente della produzione dei sui capi al 100% personalizzabili.
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Creepyyeha is the fetish lingerie brand inspired by the art of bondage founded by Lisa Leung, a young New York designer of Chinese origin. Lisa personally takes care of the production of her 100% customizable garments..

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Beauty, Jewellery, Object, Photography, [Art Misc], [Design Misc]

[11 Mar 2016 | no comment | ]
Frida’s Secret Closet Photographed by Miyako Ishiuchi

Quando Frida Kahlo è morta nel 1954, il marito Diego Rivera custodì i suoi effetti personali sigillati nel bagno della loro casa a Mexico City, aperto nel 2004. A fotografare gli oggetti appartenuti all’artista è stata chiamata nel 2013 Miyako Ishiuchi.
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When Frida Kahlo died in 1954, her husband Diego Rivera placed her personal belongings into the bathroom of their home that was opened in 2004. Miyako Ishiuchi was choose to photograph the personal effects of the artist in 2013.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Painting, [Fashion Misc]

[5 Giu 2015 | no comment | ]
The Mad Hatter by Marc le Rest - Modern Eden Gallery

“The Mad Hatter” è il titolo della mostra dell’artista francese Marc le Rest, ospitata alla Modern Eden Gallery di San Francisco dal 16 maggio al 6 giugno, dove i protagonisti assoluti sono stravaganti cappelli indossati con regalità da diversi tipi animali.
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‘The Mad Hatter’ is the title of the exhibition of the French artist Marc the Rest, housed at the Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco from May the 16th to June the 6th, where the protagonists are the extravagant hats worn by royalty by different animals.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Food & Beverage, Furniture, Object

[4 Feb 2015 | no comment | ]
Focus on Valentine’s Day: Kawaii Ideas

Mancano pochi giorni a San Valentino, che facciate un regalo a mano a budget zero o acquistato poco importa, quello che conta è il pensiero! Ecco le nostre idee Kawaii per la vostra persona speciale.
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There are few days left to Valentine’s Day, whether your gift will be handmade with zero budget or purchased it doesn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts! Here are our kawaii ideas for your special someone.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Jewellery

[19 Dic 2014 | no comment | ]
Sheen Casio: Make Your Christmas Shine

Sheen, il brand Casio “for ladies only”, illumina il nostro Natale con un nuovo modello dal design classico e raffinato: Sheen SHE-4027D. Oltre all’estetica, anche la funzionalità è un pregio negli orologi Sheen.
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Sheen, the brand Casio ‘for ladies only’, light up our Christmas with a new refined model with a classic design: Sheen SHE-4027D. Sheen watches mix aesthetics and functionality.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery, [Fashion Misc]

[10 Dic 2014 | no comment | ]
Kawaii Look: Clara & the Nutcracker

La vigilia di Natale si avvicina, una magica notte in cui è ambientato Lo Schiaccianoci. Ispirate da questa opera abbiamo creato 4 look, due dedicati alla candida Clara e due al rigoroso Schiaccianoci. Qual è il vostro preferito?
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Christmas Eve is coming, a magical night in which it is set The Nutcracker. Inspired by this work we created 4 looks, two dedicated by the innocent Clara and two to the strict Nutcracker. What is your favorite?

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Event, Illustration, Jewellery, Object, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Toy, [Art Misc], [Design Misc], [Fashion Misc]

[31 Ott 2014 | no comment | ]
Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty - Exhibition

Per la prima volta gli Stati Uniti ospiteranno una retrospettiva sulla nostra bambina-micina preferita, Miss Kitty White, aka Hello Kitty, in occasione del suo 40° compleanno, al JANM di Los Angeles. La mostra sarà aperta dall’11 ottobre al 26 aprile 2015.
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For the first time the United States will house a retrospective about our favorite kitten-girl, Miss Kitty White, aka Hello Kitty, on the occasion of her 40th birthday, at the JANM in Los Angeles. The exhibition will be open from October 11 to April 26, 2015.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[28 Ott 2014 | no comment | ]
Kawaii Looks for Halloween: Wednesday vs Morticia Addams

Questo Halloween ci siamo ispirate alle signorine della Famiglia Addams, Mercoledì e Morticia, componendo 4 look che rispondono al loro immaginario e richiamano le loro passioni. Qual è il vostro preferito?
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This Halloween we are inspired by the ladies of the Addams Family, Wednesday and Morticia, composing 4 looks that remind of their imaginary and passions. What is your favourite?

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, [Fashion Misc]

[22 Set 2014 | no comment | ]
Moschino ♥ Think Pink: Come on Barbie, Let’s go Party!

Per la primavera / estate 2015 di Moschino, Jeremy Scott si lascia ispirare ancora una volta dalla cultura pop e consumistica: Barbie, eroina delle donne di tutte le generazioni, simbolo contraddittorio, icona di femminismo e schiavitù dell’apparire al tempo stesso.
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For Moschino spring / summer 2015, Jeremy Scott is inspired once again by pop culture and consumerism: Barbie, heroine of women of all generations, a contradictory symbol, that is seen as an icon of feminism and shallow beauty at the same time.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Furniture, Object, [Design Misc], [Fashion Misc]

[12 Set 2014 | no comment | ]
Focus On: Mushrooms & DIY

Con l’autunno alle porte e il brutto tempo in avvicinamento, se mai ci avesse abbandonato quest’estate, spesso ci lanciamo in attività e lavoretti homemade, abbiamo così raccolto una selezione di carinissimi DIY a tema funghi e funghetti.
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Autumn and the bad weather is coming, if it had never left this summer, and we can spend more time at home making cute creations, so we made a selection of nice mushroom themed DIYs.

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