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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture

[2 Mag 2018 | no comment | ]
Alessia Iannetti, Tarntara Sudadung And Erika Sanada at CHG

Ultimi giorni per poter ammirare dal vivo alla Corey Helford Gallery la mostra di tre straordinarie artiste: Alessia Iannetti, Tarntara Sudadung ed Erika Sanada.
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Few days left to admire in person at the Corey Helford Gallery the exhibition of three extraordinary artists: Alessia Iannetti, Tarntara Sudadung and Erika Sanada.

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!Kawaii News!, [Art Misc]

[26 Apr 2018 | no comment | ]
Avengers Infinity War: Images, Review & Plot

“Avengers: Infinity War” è l’atteso terzo capitolo della saga degli Avengers e diciannovesimo film del Marvel Cinematic Universe prodotto da Marvel Studios e distribuito da The Walt Disney Company. Qui trovi la trama, il commento senza spoiler e le immagini.
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‘Avengers: Infinity War’ is the long-awaited third movie of the Avengers saga and the nineteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by The Walt Disney Company. Discover the plot, our review no spoiler and the images.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty

[23 Apr 2018 | no comment | ]
Sephora Green: When Nature Meet Technology

Non tutti sanno che da Sephora troviamo una grande quantità di brand che valorizzano le materie prime che la natura ci offre. Ecco una piccola guida alla scoperta dei brand green e di alcuni prodotti interessanti che potrebbero cambiarvi la vita!
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Not everyone knows that at Sephora we can find many brands that enhance raw organic materials to make powerful resources for the needs of the skin. Here is a little guide to discover green brands and some interesting products that could change your life!

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration

[17 Apr 2018 | no comment | ]
Fluffy Black Kittens by Kamwei Fong

Da lontano i gattini, “The Furry Thing”, di Kamwei Fong sembrano delle morbide palle di pelo, guardando più da vicino si resta stupiti dalla complessità delle illustrazioni, composte da sottili tratti di china che delineano la personalità di ogni animaletto.
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From a distance the kittens, ‘The Furry Thing’, by Kamwei Fong look like soft fur balls, looking closer you are amazed by the complexity of the illustrations, composed of thin lines of ink that outline the personality of each creature.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty

[4 Apr 2018 | no comment | ]
Beauty Spring News by Pupa Milano

Questa primavera Pupa Milano lancia come al solito tantissime novità. Oltre all’attesa collezione primaverile nuovi prodotti vanno ad arricchire l’espositore del brand. Scopriamole insieme!
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This spring Pupa Milano launches as usual many new products. In addition to the long-awaited spring collection, new products widen the brand’s display. Let’s find out all the news!

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!Kawaii News!, [Art Misc]

[22 Mar 2018 | no comment | ]
A Wrinkle in Time: Images, Review & Plot

Nelle Pieghe del Tempo è un lungometrggio fantasy diretto dalla regista Ava DuVernay tratto dall’omonimo romanzo del 1962 di Madeleine L’Engle. Il cast comprende Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, Zach Galifianakis e Chris Pine.
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A Wrinkle in Time is a fantasy movie directed by Ava DuVernay based on the 1962 novel of the same name by Madeleine L’Engle. The film stars Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, Zach Galifianakis and Chris Pine.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[14 Mar 2018 | no comment | ]
Diana Sudyka’s Little Precious Artworks

Alcune volte una grande idea nasce da un piccolo dettaglio, ed è proprio quello che vediamo nelle illustrazioni di Diana Sudyka, che utilizza come puto di partenza dei francobolli vintage europei.
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Sometimes a great idea comes from a small detail, and it is exactly what we can see in Diana Sudyka’s illustrations, who uses vintage stamps from Europe as the starting point.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration

[9 Mar 2018 | no comment | ]
Hsiao-Ron Cheng and the Subtle Complexity of Her Works

Hsiao-Ron Cheng è una giovane illustratrice di Taiwan freelance, i suoi lavori realizzati con un’interessante palette tenue riflettono le origini dell’artista, il suo Paese è ricco di contaminazioni e culture, così le sue opere accolgono tradizione e modernità.
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Hsiao-Ron Cheng is a young Taiwanese freelance illustrator, her works created with an interesting subtle palette reflect the artist’s origins, her country is rich in contaminations and cultures, so her paintings welcome tradition and modernity.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty

[7 Mar 2018 | no comment | ]
Chanel Presents Neapolis: New City, the Spring Summer 2018 Makeup Collection

Attraverso la collezione makeup primavera estate 2018 di Chanel Lucia Pica vuole raccontare la sua città, Neapolis: New City. Un luogo che continua ad affascinare chi la abita e chi la visita, dove natura, arte e mitologia si mescolano in un unico abbraccio.
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Lucia Pica wants to present her city through Chanel spring summer 2018 makeup collection, Neapolis: New City. A beautiful place that always fascinates those who live there and visit it, where nature, art and mythology mingle together.

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!Kawaii News!, Apparel, Painting, [Art Misc]

[2 Mar 2018 | no comment | ]
Redd Walitzki: The Poetics of Life and Death

Lo stile Rococò abbracciato in Baviera è una delle più evidenti influenze trasmesse nei lavori di Redd Walitzki, giovane artista che abita a Seattle e che realizza dettagliatissime opere su supporti unici, tagliati a laser su misura per ogni dipinto.
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The Rococo ornamentation of her native Bavaria is one of the most obvious influences that we can find in Redd Walitzki’s works, a young artist who lives in Seattle and creates very detailed paintings on unique made-to-measure laser-cut panels.

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