Non Solo Kawaii

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!Kawaii News!, Furniture, Place, [Art Misc]

[11 Ago 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Reversible Destiny: Colors and Shapes

Reversible Destiny è un progetto-utopia di Arakawa e Madeline Gins. L’ambiente interno non è confortevole, ma i dislivelli e le irregolarità spingono a tenersi in forma.
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Reversible Destiny is a Arakawa and Madeline Gins’ utopia-project. The interior is not comfortable, but the unevennesses and the irregularities always push to keep fit.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Furniture, Place

[6 Apr 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Maison Moschino: a Fabulous Hotel

Il sogno inizia non appena si varca l’ingresso della Maison Moschino: il nuovo hotel del fashion brand italiano Moschino ispirato al mondo delle favole e dei sogni. Un hotel da favola, dove non serve sognare per finire nel paese delle meraviglie.
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The dream starts as soon as you cross the entrance to the Maison Moschino: the new hotel of the Italian fashion brand Moschino inspired by the world of fairy tales and dreams. A fabulous hotel, where no dream is to finish in wonderland.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Beauty, Event, Furniture, Jewellery, Object, Photography, Place, Toy

[31 Dic 2009 | 5 comments | ]
Barbie’s 50th anniversary

Barbie compie 50 anni e il mondo la festeggia dedicandole prodotti in edizione limitata e pezzi unici. Ora, anche se non siamo più delle bambine, possiamo essere un po’ come Barbie e vivere “la vie en rose”.
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It’s the 50th Barbie’s birthday and the world contends her for dedicating products in limited editoand unique pieces. Now, even if we are no longer girls, we can be a bit like Barbie and live “la vie en rose”

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Place, [Art Misc], [Design Misc]

[18 Dic 2009 | 3 comments | ]
Light Exhibition Design in Milan

Dal 6 dicembre 2009 al 10 gennaio 2010, Milano si illumina con LED (Light Exhibition Design), il Festival Internazionale della Luce che vede quest’anno la sua prima edizione.
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From December 6, 2009, to January 10, 2010, Milan lights up with LED (Light Exhibition Design), the International Festival of Light in its first edition this year.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Place

[25 Nov 2009 | 1 comment | ]
Insieme contro la Violenza sulle Donne

Oggi 25 novembre è “la Giornata Internazionale per l’Eliminazione della Violenza contro le Donne”, scelta dall’ONU in memoria della data dell’assassinio delle tre Sorelle Mirabal, Patria, Minerva e Maria Teresa, attiviste politiche soprannominate “le Farfalle.
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Today November 25 is “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women”, chosen by the UN to commemorate the date of the the three Mirabal sisters’ (Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa) murder, political activists known as “The Butterflies.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Graphic, Photography, Place

[23 Nov 2009 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Pink Box - Joan Sinclair ♥ Part 2

La seconda parte di “Pink Box, Inside Japan’s Sex Club”. In questo articolo sono raccolti i diversi tipi di locali del Pink world.
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The second part of “Pink Box Inside Japan’s Sex Clubs”. In this article there are collected the different kinds of clubs of the Pink world.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Graphic, Photography, Place

[17 Nov 2009 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Book: Pink Box - Joan Sinclair ♥ Part 1

“Pink Box, Inside Japan’s Sex Club”, è un libro documentario fotografico attraverso l’industra del sesso giapponese, la seconda più importante della nazione in termini di fatturato l’anno.
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“Pink Box Inside Japan’s Sex Clubs” is a photographic documentary book through the Japanese sex industry, the second largest in the nation in terms of turnover per year.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Furniture, Place, [Art Misc]

[9 Nov 2009 | 1 comment | ]
Hello Kitty the Show - il Musical by Sanrio

Il 3 novembre si è tenuta la conferenza stampa del Musical “Hello Kitty the Show, musical di una favola moderna” presso il Teatro Nuovo di Milano, e il Kawaii Team non poteva lasciarsi sfuggire questa preview!
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On November 3 there was a press conference of the musical “Hello Kitty the Show, a musical of a modern tale” at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan and the Kawaii Team could not miss this preview!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Place

[5 Nov 2009 | 7 comments | ]
Boyfriend’s Diary: Hello Kitty Outlet Store

Il fascino dei negozi di Hello Kitty per le ragazze kawaii è come il polo magnetico. Possiamo definire le ragazze kawaii delle moderne Ulisse che devono lottare contro i canti delle sirene.
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The allure of Hello Kitty shopping for the kawaii girls is like the magnetic pole. We can define the kawaii girls as modern Ulysses who have to fight against the singing of the sirens.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Place

[28 Set 2009 | 3 comments | ]
La Bella e la Bestia ♥ il Musical

Il musical di “La Bella e la Bestia” debutta in Italia il 2 ottobre al Teatro Nazionale di Milano, che è stato inaugurato, dopo una ristrutturazione durata tre anni. Il Team di non solo Kawaii al completo è andato all’anteprima.
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The “Beauty and the Beast”, the Musical, debutted in Italy on October 2 at the Teatro Nazionale in Milan, which was opened after a renovation lasted three years. The team non solo Kawaii went to the preview.

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