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Focus on: Earth Day and Inspirations

22 Aprile 2010 8 comments

Gülnur Özdağlar - Lotus Brooch
© Gülnur Özdağlar - Lotus Brooch

Oggi 22 aprile, in occasione dell’Earth Day, vogliamo portare il nostro piccolo contributo presentando alcune idee che possano essere di ispirazione per riutilizzare e riciclare oggetti… in modo kawaii ovviamente!!!
Abbiamo selezionato queste ispirazioni per dimostrare che riciclare può essere facile, divertente e si possono ottenere dei buonissimi risultati, basta un pizzico di fantasia!

Today April 22, on the occasion of the Earth Day, we want to make our contribution presenting some ideas which can be an inspiration to reuse and recycle objects… in a kawaii way of course!
We have selected these inspirations to show that recycling can be easy, funny and it’s possible to get very good results, you need just a bit of imagination!

PSPCA - Bird Cage Lamp
© PSPCA - Bird Cage Lamp

Se abbiamo una gabbia inutilizzata, con l’aggiunta di qualche accorgimento scenografico e una piccola modifica, potremo ottenere un dolcissimo lampadario, ispirandoci all’idea di PSPCA (Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

If we have a spare cage, with some scenographic tricks and a small change, we can get a sweet lamp, being inspired by the idea of PSPCA (Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

Green Eco Furniture - Photo by Debra Prinzing
© Photo by Debra Prinzing

Green Eco Furniture - Photo by Debra Prinzing
© Photo by Debra Prinzing

Una vecchia sedia dalle imbottiture rovinate può invece diventare una fioriera trendy e romantica, sperimentando anche con altri oggetti di arredo.

An old chair with damaged filling can become a trendy and romantic planter, experimenting also with other furniture.

Yuken Teruya Studio - Corner Forest
© Yuken Teruya Studio - Corner Forest

Yuken Teruya Studio - Corner Forest
© Yuken Teruya Studio - Corner Forest

Per chi non ha il pollice verde può comunque avere un piccolo giardino artificiale in casa incidendo dei rotoli di cartone della carta assorbente o igienica, il risultato sarà molto delicato e le combinazioni possono essere moltissime, il limite è solo la fantasia… e la pazienza.

Who has a green thumb however may keep a small artificial garden at home, notching some cardboard rolls of towel or toilet paper, the result is very delicate and there could be many combinations, the only limit is your imagination… and patience.

Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry
© Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry

Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry
© Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry

Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry
© Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry

Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry
© Ceca Georgieva - Organic Jewelry

Chi adora gli accessori può divertirsi a crearne alcuni organici, seguendo l’esempio di Ceca Georgieva, utilizzando foglie resistenti che manterranno immutato il loro fascino anche da secche. Si potranno così sfoggiare accessori dal gusto romantico ed effimero preparati all’ultimo minuto.

Who loves accessories, can enjoy creating some organic ones, following the example of Ceca Georgieva, using resistant leaves that keep their charm even when they wither. You can wear ready made accessories with a romantic and ephemeral taste.

Reciclarte - Eco-Jewelry
© Reciclarte - Eco-Jewelry

Reciclarte - Eco-Jewelry
© Reciclarte - Eco-Jewelry

Se amate le cose durature e le bibite in lattina, l’idea che fa per voi è nata dal progetto Reciclarte, portato avanti dal gruppo di volontari “Coalición Reciclaje” e da “Asociación Terra Nostra”. Tra le tante iniziative nate da questo progetto troviamo eco-jewelry, bellissimi accessori composti soltanto da materiali poveri e riciclati, come stracci e linguette di lattine.

If you like lasting things and canned drinks, the right idea for you is born from the Reciclarte project, developed by the volunteer group “Coalición Reciclaje” and by ”Asociación Terra Nostra”. Among the many initiatives arisen from this project, there are eco-jewelry, beautiful accessories made only of poor and recycled materials as rags and can tabs.

Gülnur Özdağlar - Forget Me Nuts
© Gülnur Özdağlar - Forget Me Nuts

Gülnur Özdağlar - Rosa Brooch
© Gülnur Özdağlar - Rosa Brooch

Gülnur Özdağlar - 5 Chain Necklace
© Gülnur Özdağlar - 5 Chain Necklace

Gülnur Özdağlar - Hair Lotus
© Gülnur Özdağlar - Hair Lotus

Gülnur Özdağlar - Buttons
© Gülnur Özdağlar - Buttons

Gülnur Özdağlar - Buttons
© Gülnur Özdağlar - Buttons

Gülnur Özdağlar è un architetto e designer che realizza diversi oggetti partendo dal PET, i risultati sono sorprendenti e dimostrano che un gioiello può essere prezioso indipendentemente dal materiale.
Per molte di queste creazioni ci vuole esperienza e grande manualità, ma i bottoni della camicia sono un’idea semplice e originale per vivacizzare un indumento che ci ha stancato!

Gülnur Özdağlar is an architect and designer who makes several objects starting from PET, the results are surprising and they show that a jewelry can be valuable regardless of the material.
For many of these creations it is necessary a great experience and manual skill, but the shirt buttons are a simple and original idea to liven up a garment that makes us tired!

© ForkedUpArt

© ForkedUpArt

Ed infine, probabilmente ispirato da Bruno Munari, ForkedUpArt ripropone le posate rimodellate come allegri portaoggetti. Muniamoci delle nostre posate rovinate e proviamo anche noi a trasformare in arte possibili rifiuti!

And finally, probably inspired by Bruno Munari, ForkedUpArt remodels cutlery into cheerful holders. Let’s take our ruined cutlery, and let’s try to turn potential waste into art!

Angela & Laura

Focus On: Earth Day 2013, Wearable Green
Focus on: Earth Day and Fashion Recycling
Paper Cuts - Spoke Art Gallery
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  • Miwa X3 said:

    *_* che bella cose kawine >__< e può essere kawaii <3 come me che butto la spazzatura magari nei sacchetti di carta o di plastica di kitty che non mi servono ben divisi XD è la raccolta differenziata kawaii ^_^

  • Hank Jones said:

    I loved every bit of idea that you posted in this article. All of them were very creative and had an artistic touch to them, plus all of them were eco-friendly ways of recycling. I must say that my favorites among the bunch have to be the spoons and forks that were made into cell phone rests and a flower gripper.

    Hank Jones
    Director Remodeling
    San Diego home remodeling

  • Taylor said:

    To me, this is really putting more fun into earth day and what its all about.

    The creations shown are both interesting and thought provoking.

    Too often earth day is a platform for politics and all the things wrong with the way we treating the planet. That obviously has its place, but it’s nice to have this type of fun and levity around something that’s important to everyone

  • Laura said:

    Thanks! We think that every little gesture can help environment ^__^

  • architects Tucson said:

    All of your ideas are pretty amazing. Are you the one who made it all? I really like the 3rd and 4th picture. I have my old and damage furniture and instead of throwing them all, I got an idea just like yours. Since my garden is quite empty then I can decorate that furniture with flowers and other plants then put it all at my garden. Wow I can’t wait for that. I just need a little effort to do these things! By this, I also help environment to be clean and put some fun on earth!

  • Andromeda said:

    These are amazing. Those thing we thought that are already garbage have big advantage for some people.All of them were very creative and had an artistic touch to them. I really like how did they design the pork and spoon and also the belt, it is very cute. I hope you will share some directions of how to make that Eco-friendly stuffs.

  • Amy said:

    These creations are spectacular and really incredible. I really appreciate the imagination and ingenuity of this entire concept. All of the items are not only earth friendly, but unique and functioning. Awesome. I feel so inspired.

  • Adam Finer said:

    This is amazing, I love the one with the fork! it’s great and I will try to make one myself…

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