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Junko Mizuno for Swarovski ♥ The Lovlots Zodiac

3 Aprile 2014 1 comment

Junko Mizuno per il 2014 ha curato il design dei 12 personaggi dello Zodiaco Cinese per Swarovski, la collezione si chiama “The Lovlots Zodiac” ed è stata rilasciata una prima tranche di preziosi animaletti di cristallo a fine 2013 e gli ultimi segni a gennaio 2014.

Junko Mizuno designed 12 characters of 2014 Chinese Zodiac for Swarovski, the name of the collection is “The Lovlots Zodiac” and was released a first tranche of precious crystal animals in late 2013 and the last six signs in January 2014.

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - The Lovlots Zodiac

Le piccole opere sono alte circa 3,5 cm e sono state realizzate in cristallo di colore differente per ogni segno, gli occhi sono in cristallo Jet e ogni personaggio ha una decorazione floreale a stampa, motivo ricorrente nelle opere dell’artista.

The small works are about 3.5 cm high and were made ​​of crystal in different colors for each sign, the eyes are made of Jet crystal and each character has a decorative floral print, a recurring pattern in the works of the artist.

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Mimi the Rabbit, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Mimi the Rabbit, The Lovlots Zodiac

Ci siamo innamorate di questi piccoli capolavori kawaii, il preferito di Laura è Mimi the Rabbit, quello di Angela Uma the Horse, e il vostro?

We love with these little kawaii masterpieces, Laura’s favorite is Mimi the Rabbit, Angela’s one is Uma the Horse, and yours?

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Uma the Horse, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Uma the Horse, The Lovlots Zodiac

  • Chu Chu the Rat

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Chu Chu the Rat, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Chu Chu the Rat, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Chu Chu the Rat, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Chu Chu the Rat, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: intelligente, curioso, tenace e carismatico.
Cristallo: Provence Lavender

Feature of the sign: smart, curious, tenacious and charismatic.
Crystal: Provence Lavender

  • MoMo the Ox

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - MoMo the Ox, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - MoMo the Ox, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - MoMo the Ox, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - MoMo the Ox, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: testardo, onesto, competitivo, solitario.
Cristallo: Fuchsia

Feature of the sign: stubborn, honest, competitive, solitary.
Crystal: Fuchsia

  • Tora the Tiger

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tora the Tiger, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tora the Tiger, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tora the Tiger, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tora the Tiger, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: orgoglioso, ambizioso, affascinante, ribelle.
Cristallo: Topaz

Feature of the sign: proud, ambitious, fascinating, rebel.
Crystal: Topaz

  • Mimi the Rabbit

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Mimi the Rabbit, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Mimi the Rabbit, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: solare, cauto, fantasioso, disordinato.
Cristallo: Rosaline

Feature of the sign: sunny, cautious, imaginative, messy.
Crystal: Rosaline

  • Tatsu the Dragon

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tatsu the Dragon, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tatsu the Dragon, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tatsu the Dragon, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Tatsu the Dragon, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: testardo, passionale, onesto e coraggioso.
Cristallo: Light Azore e Clear

Feature of the sign: stubborn, passionate, honest and brave.
Crystal: Light Azore e Clear

  • Hebi the Snake

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Hebi the Snake, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Hebi the Snake, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Hebi the Snake, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Hebi the Snake, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: romantico, passionale, saggio, paziente.
Cristallo: Chrysolite

Feature of the sign: romantic, passionate, wise, patient.
Crystal: Chrysolite

  • Uma the Horse

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Uma the Horse, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Uma the Horse, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: allegro, irrequieto, curioso e libero.
Cristallo: Violet

Feature of the sign: cheerful, restless, curious and free.
Crystal: Violet

  • Me Me the Sheep

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Me Me the Sheep, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Me Me the Sheep, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Me Me the Sheep, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Me Me the Sheep, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: affettuoso, sensibile, creativo ed elegante.
Cristallo: Black Diamond e Clear

Feature of the sign: affectionate, sensitive, creative and elegant.
Crystal: Black Diamond e Clear

  • Kiki the Monkey

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Kiki the Monkey, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Kiki the Monkey, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Kiki the Monkey, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Kiki the Monkey, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: gentile, curioso, socievole, opportunista.
Cristallo: Light Peach

Feature of the sign: gentle, curious, sociable, opportunistic.
Crystal: Light Peach

  • Ko Ko the Rooster

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Ko Ko the Rooster, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Ko Ko the Rooster, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Ko Ko the Rooster, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Ko Ko the Rooster, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: timido, lunatico, riflessivo, superbo.
Cristallo: Vintage Rose e Padparadscha

Feature of the sign: shy, moody, thoughtful, superb.
Crystal: Vintage Rose e Padparadscha

  • Wan Wan the Dog

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Wan Wan the Dog, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Wan Wan the Dog, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Wan Wan the Dog, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Wan Wan the Dog, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: leale, preciso, ironico, onesto.
Cristallo: Aquamarine

Feature of the sign: loyal, precise, ironic, honest.
Crystal: Aquamarine

  • Bu Bu the Pig

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Bu Bu the Pig, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Bu Bu the Pig, The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Bu Bu the Pig, The Lovlots Zodiac
© Junko Mizuno for Swarovski - Bu Bu the Pig, The Lovlots Zodiac

Caratteristiche del segno: galante, riservato, impulsivo e pragmatico.
Cristallo: Tender Pink

Feature of the sign: gallant, reserved, impulsive and pragmatic.
Crystal: Tender Pink

Swarovski Shop Online
Junko Mizuno - Blog
Junko Mizuno - Twitter


Ravina the Witch? by Junko Mizuno at Nucleus Gallery
Triad: The Witch, The Nurse, The Wrestler by Junko Mizuno
Junko Mizuno at The Cotton Candy Machine Gallery
Venus Cake ♥ Food Obsession Seen by Junko Mizuno

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1 comment »

  • Kawaii Faces said:

    Bu bu the pig is my favorite! All of these are absolutely lovely displays of craftsmanship.

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