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Nicoletta Ceccoli and Yuka Sakuma: the Secrets of Adolescence

6 Settembre 2017 no comment

Nicoletta Ceccoli, A Girl Hides Secrets - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, A Girl Hides Secrets - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Corey Helford Gallery ospita fino al 16 settembre le personali della sammarinese Nicoletta Ceccoli e della giapponese Yuka Sakuma, due artiste accomunate dallo stile delicato e raffinato e dalle tematiche delle loro opere che si muovono nella zona grigia dell’adolescenza.

Corey Helford Gallery houses until September 16th the solo exhibitions of Nicoletta Ceccoli from San Marino and Yuka Sakuma from Japan, two artists that have in common the delicate and refined style and the themes of their works that depict the age of adolescence.

Nicoletta Ceccoli, A Girl Hides Secrets - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, A Girl Hides Secrets [Detail] - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, My Favorite Costume - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, My Favorite Costume - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

“Hide and Seek” è il titolo della mostra di Nicoletta Ceccoli, che racconta le sue misteriose fanciulle così:

“La realtà è bandita nella sua forma razionale e così torna in forma di incubo inquietante e incosciente che alimenta e anima i giocattoli. Le ragazze che rappresento sono attraversate da un senso di minaccia. Sono sole e tutto quello che vogliono è qualcuno con cui giocare. I giocattoli le percepiscono come entità minacciose da espellere dal loro mondo.
È difficile capire esattamente se è il prodotto di una fantasia deviata - o se la realtà stessa ad aver corrotto la fantasia. È come giocare a nascondino”.

‘Hide and Seek’ is the title of Nicoletta Ceccoli’s solo, who says about her mysterious girls:

‘Reality is banned in its rational form and so it came back in the form of a disturbing unconscious nightmare that inflates and animates toys. A sense of threat runs around the girls I represent. They’re alone, on their own, and all they want is someone to play with. Common toys perceive them as a menacing entity to expel from their world.
It’s difficult to understand exactly if this is a product of a corrupted fantasy - or if reality itself has corrupted the fantasy. It’s a game of hide and seek.’

Nicoletta Ceccoli, My Favorite Costume - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, My Favorite Costume [Detail] - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, Still Life - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, Still Life - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, Still Life - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, Still Life [Detail] - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma dipinge giovani adolescenti nel momento in cui sta sbocciando la loro consapevolezza, le loro insicurezze e fragilità si riflettono nella natura che li circonda.

Yuka Sakuma paints young teenagers at the moment when their awareness is blossoming, their insecurities and fragility are reflected in the surrounding nature.

Yuka Sakuma, One Of The Group - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, One Of The Group - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, One Of The Group - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, One Of The Group [Detail] - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

“Sono affascinata in particolare dalle ragazze, non solo per il loro sesso, ma per la loro femminilità. C’è una freschezza e innocenza nel corpo e nelle azioni delle ragazze, suscettibili a una grande varietà di emozioni. I loro cuori non sono ancora maturi, sono dolci e fragili. Trovo molto affascinante ciò che si perde nell’età adulta.”

‘I am drawn to girls in particular, not simply for their gender, but because of their femininity. There is a freshness and innocence in the body and action of girls, who are susceptible to a wide range of emotion. While their hearts are still not yet mature, they are cute and fragile. What is to be lost when becoming an adult, I find that to be truly endearing.’

Yuka Sakuma, Sink - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Sink - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Sink - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Sink [Detail] - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, The Uninvited - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, The Uninvited - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, The Uninvited - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, The Uninvited [Detail] - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, Ready Or Not, Here I Come - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, Ready Or Not, Here I Come - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, In Disguise - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, In Disguise - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, Inner Self - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, Inner Self - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli, Ollie Ollie Oxen Free - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery
© Nicoletta Ceccoli, Ollie Ollie Oxen Free - Hide and Seek, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Reflection Of The Moon - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Reflection Of The Moon - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Possessed - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Possessed - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Miniature Garden - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Miniature Garden - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Miniature Garden - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Miniature Garden [Detail] - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Bouquet - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Bouquet - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Cherry - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Cherry - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Twinkle Twinkle - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Twinkle Twinkle - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, One Of The Group - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, One Of The Group - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Yuka Sakuma, Sprout - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery
© Yuka Sakuma, Sprout - Miniature Garden, Corey Helford Gallery

Nicoletta Ceccoli - Hide and Seek
Yuka Sakuma - Miniature Garden
August 19 - September 16
Corey Helford Gallery
571 S Anderson St (Enter on Willow St)
Los Angeles, California

Corey Helford Gallery | Website
Corey Helford Gallery | Instagram
Nicoletta Ceccoli | Website
Yuka Sakuma | Instagram


We All Live Under the Same Sky: Camilla D’Errico at CHG
‘Murmuration’: Kelsey Beckett at the Corey Helford Gallery
Nicoletta Ceccoli ♥ Sweet & Low, Solo Show
Brandi Milne ♥ Before I Hide Away

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