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Polka Dot Spring with Pupa Dot Shock!

25 Marzo 2016 no comment

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock

Nella Primavera 2016 Pupa si ispira agli anni ‘30 proponendo la collezione pois-friendly Dot Shock! che alterna colori neutri e morbidi a tinte accese.
Scopriamo insieme la collezione.

For this Spring 2016 Pupa is inspired by the 30s launching the polka dots-friendly collection Dot Shock! mixing neutral and soft colors with bright ones.
Let’s find out the collection.


non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry

Per gli occhi sono state proposte due Dot Shock! palette, dall’irresistibile design delle cialde a pois, 6 iconici e pigmentati ombretti Vamp! Wet & Dry e due VAMP! Definition liner con applicatore in feltro, dal tratto fine facile anche per le meno esperte.

For the eye makeup are launched two Dot Shock! palettes, with a irresistible polka dot design for the eyeshadow, 6 iconic and pigmented Vamp! Wet & Dry eyeshadows and two VAMP! Definition liner with a felt brush easy to apply.

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Palette 001 Sweet Romance
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Palette 001 Sweet Romance

Dot Shock! Palette
♥ 001 Sweet Romance: perfetta per le carnagioni chiare o dal sottotono freddo con tonalità rosa e tortora / perfect for light complexion or cold undertone with pink and taupe shades
♥ 002 Spring Apricot: un jolly che si adatta a tutte le carnagioni con tonalità beige, terra e arancio / it matches with all skintones with beige, brown and orange colors

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 601 Sparkling Brown
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 601 Sparkling Brown

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 602 Sandy White
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 602 Sandy White

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 603 Golden Apricot
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 603 Golden Apricot

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 706 Bronze Chestnut
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Vamp! Wet & Dry 706 Bronze Chestnut

Vamp! Wet & Dry Eyeshadow
♥ 206 Iridescent Rose: rosa polvere chiaro satinato / light dusty pink cream
♥ 406 Nude Beige: beige satinato / satin beige
♥ 601 Sparkling Brown: marrone scuro con glitter argento / dark brown with silver glitter
♥ 602 Sandy White: panna satinato / satin cream
♥ 603 Golden Apricot: albicocca dorato / golden apricot
♥ 706 Bronze Chestnut: bronzo satinato / satin bronze

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, VAMP! Definition liner 002 Pink Marshmallow, 001 Creamy Chocolate
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, VAMP! Definition liner 002 Pink Marshmallow, 001 Creamy Chocolate

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, VAMP! Definition liner 002 Pink Marshmallow, 001 Creamy Chocolate
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, VAMP! Definition liner 002 Pink Marshmallow, 001 Creamy Chocolate

VAMP! Definition liner
♥ 001 Creamy Chocolate: marrone caldo matte / matte rich brown
♥ 002 Pink Marshmallow: fuchsia satinato / satin fuchsia


non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Blush 001 Dot Macarones, Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Blush 001 Dot Macarones, Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Blush 001 Dot Macarones
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Blush 001 Dot Macarones

non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine

Per il viso due dolcissime novità: un blush e un highlighter proposti in perle satinate multicolor.

Two sweet new products for the face: a blush and a highlighter in multicolour satin pearls.

♥ Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine: illuminante dorato / golden highlighter
♥ Dot Shock! Blush 001 Dot Macarones: blush satinato corallo / satin coral blush


non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Miss Pupa 002 Fair Pink, Miss Pupa 003 Shock Fuchsia, Dot Shock Balmy Gloss 003 Glam Red
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Miss Pupa 002 Fair Pink, Miss Pupa 003 Shock Fuchsia, Dot Shock Balmy Gloss 003 Glam Red

I famosi rossetti sheer Miss Pupa vengono affiancati dai nuovi Balmy Gloss, dalla texture idratante e fondente e dai pigmenti che reagiscono a seconda del pH delle labbra.

The new colors of the classic Miss Pupa sheer lipsticks are launched together with the new Balmy Gloss, with a moisturizing and melting texture and pigments that react according to the pH of the lips.

Dot Shock Balmy Gloss
♥ 001 Petal Coral: corallo / coral
♥ 002 Pink Beauty: rosa / pink
♥ 003 Glam Red: rosso / red

Miss Pupa
♥ 001 Sugar Peach: pesca / peach
♥ 002 Fair Pink: rosa / pink
♥ 003 Shock Fuchsia: fucsia intenso / intense fuchsia
♥ 004 Fancy Coral: corallo / coral


non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Lasting Color Velvet Matte 001 Sugar Peach, Lasting color 150A Sweet Apricot, Lasting Color 151A Passion Red, Dotter
© non solo Kawaii - Pupa Dot Shock, Lasting Color Velvet Matte 001 Sugar Peach, Lasting color 150A Sweet Apricot, Lasting Color 151A Passion Red, Dotter

Tra i must-have di pupa ci sono sicuraente gli smalti lasting color gel, presentati in 4 colori, assieme a 2 velvet matt e un utilissimo dotter per realizzare delle nail art in modo facile e veloce.

One of the Pupa must-have product is definitely the lasting color gel nail polish, in this collection in 4 new colors, presented along with 2 velvet matt nail polishes and a essential dotter to make your nail art easily and fast.

♥ Lasting Color Gel 136A Shock Fuchsia: rosa intenso / intense pink
♥ Lasting Color Gel 137A Fancy Coral: arancio intenso / intense orange
♥ Lasting Color Gel 150A Sweet Apricot: albicocca / apricot
♥ Lasting Color Gel 151A Passion Red: rosso freddo / cool red
♥ Velvet Matt 001 Sugar Peach: pesca / peach
♥ Velvet Matt 002 Fair Pink: rosa bubble gum / bubble gum pink
♥ Dotter


♥ VAMP! Definition liner 001 Creamy Chocolate
♥ Dot Shock Balmy Gloss 003 Glam Red
♥ Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine

♥ Vamp! Wet & Dry 706 Bronze Chestnut
♥ Dot Shock! Highliter 001 Dot Sunshine
♥ Dot Shock! Blush 001 Dot Macarones


Angela & Laura

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Sheen Casio: Make Your Christmas Shine
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