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Saving Mr. Banks: the Real ‘Mary Poppins’ Story

3 Febbraio 2014 3 comments

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Saving Mr. Banks è un film prodotto da Walt Disney Pictures e in distribuzione nelle sale italiane dal 20 febbraio.
Il film parla della vera storia di come Walt Disney nel 1961 ottenne i diritti del romanzo Mary Poppins, corteggiando per 14 lunghi anni la scrittrice australiana Pamela Lyndon Travers, riluttante a vendere il suo personaggio preferito per paura che venisse snaturato e reso troppo frivolo.
Abbiamo visto il film in anteprima ed ecco il nostro commento.

Saving Mr. Banks is a film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and distributed in Italian cinemas from February 20.
The movie is about the true story of how Walt Disney in 1961 acquired the rights to Mary Poppins novel, courting the Australian writer Pamela Lyndon Travers for 14 years, reluctant to sell her favourite character for fear that she would be distorted and become too frivolous.
We have seen the movie and here is our impression.

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Annie Rose Buckley as a young P. L. Travers & Colin Farrell as Robert Goff Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Annie Rose Buckley as a young P. L. Travers & Colin Farrell as Robert Goff Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney & Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney & Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

  • Trama / Plot

Pamela Lyndon Travers sta attraversando un brutto periodo economico e dopo 14 anni di rifuti, decide di andare da Londra a Hollywood per valutare se cedere i diritti della sua amata Mary Poppins per la trasposizione cinematografica prodotta da Walt Disney.
Si trova così a lavorare gomito a gomito con gli sceneggiatori e i compositori della colonna sonora del film, criticando duramente il copione e rendendo la vita dura ai collaboratori di Walt Disney.
Walt Disney capirà che l’unico modo per far firmare la cessione dei diritti alla signora Travers, sarà quello di comprendere le sue paure e rassicurarla in un viaggio che porterà il pubblico alla scoperta dell’infanzia della scrittrice e del significato profondo che il romanzo ha per lei.

Pamela Lyndon Travers is going through a financial issue and she decides to go from London to Hollywood to negotiate if granting the rights of her beloved Mary Poppins for the film adaptation produced by Walt Disney.
So she begins to work closely with the scriptwriters and soundtrack composers of the film, harshly criticizing the script and making Walt Disney’s employees life hard.
Walt Disney will realize that the only way to make Mrs. Travers sign over the film rights, will be to understand her fears and to reassure her, a travel that will take audience to discover the writer’s childhood and the deep meaning that the novel has to her.

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Annie Rose Buckley as a young P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Annie Rose Buckley as a young P. L. Travers

  • Commento / Review

Preparate i fazzoletti, eyeliner e mascara waterproof perché ne avrete bisogno: in Saving Mr. Banks la freschezza e la simpatia tipiche dei film di Walt Disney incontrano momenti molto emozionanti, al limite del dramma, stemperati dalla tensione comica che si crea nel rapporto tra Pamela Lyndon Travers e Walt Disney.
Nel film rimarrete anche affascinati dalle scene in cui è possibile vedere il “making of” di Mary Poppins e invidierete tantissimo Pamela Lyndon Travers quando avrà l’opportunità di visitare il parco di divertimenti più famoso al mondo con il suo creatore, Walt Disney.
Saving Mr. Banks ci è piaciuto moltissimo e ci ha lasciato nel cuore un carico di emozioni molto intense.

Get your handkerchiefs ready, use waterproof eyeliner and mascara: in Saving Mr. Banks the freshness and the fun typical of Walt Disney films meet very emotional and dramatic moments, dulled by the comic tension between Pamela Lyndon Travers and Walt Disney.
In the film you will also be fascinated by the scenes where you can see the “making of” Mary Poppins and you will envy Pamela Lyndon Travers when she has the opportunity to visit the most famous amusement park in the world with its creator, Walt Disney.
We love Saving Mr. Banks and it has brought strong emotions to our heart.

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks
© Walt Disney Pictures

  • Info

Regia / Directed by: John Lee Hancock
Produzione / Produced by: Alison Owen, Ian Collie, Philip Steuer
Sceneggiatura / Written by: Kelly Marcel, Sue Smith
Cast / Starring: Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Paul Giamatti, Jason Schwartzman, Bradley Whitford, Colin Farrell
Musiche / Music by: Thomas Newman
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, BBC Films, Essential Media, Ruby Films, Hopscotch Features
Durata / Running time: 125 minutes

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney & Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney & Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney & Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney & Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks as Walt Disney

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Rachel Griffiths as Aunt Ellie
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Rachel Griffiths as Aunt Ellie

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Emma Thompson as Pamela P. L. Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks
© Walt Disney Pictures

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks
© Walt Disney Pictures

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Paul Giamatti as Ralph
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Paul Giamatti as Ralph

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Paul Giamatti as Ralph
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Paul Giamatti as Ralph

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Colin Farrell as Robert Goff Travers
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Colin Farrell as Robert Goff Travers

Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks - Saving Mr. Banks, Ruth Wilson as Margaret Goff
© Walt Disney Pictures - Saving Mr. Banks, Ruth Wilson as Margaret Goff


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  • Muriomu said:

    Secondo me questo film sarà super carino ^__^
    Poi Tom Hanks è sempre una garanzia

  • Laura said:

    È davvero emozionate, a me è piaciuto moltissimo.

  • Kawaii Faces said:

    Tom Hanks as Walt Disney — hearing it, I thought for sure that it wouldn’t work, but in actuality he seems to fit the bill perfectly!! I’ll have to see this movie soon…

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