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Tag: Barbie

!Kawaii News!, Event, Toy

[25 Feb 2016 | no comment | ]
Barbie The Icon, The Exhibition at Mudec

Il Mudec, Museo delle Culture di Milano, ospita la mostra “Barbie The Icon” che ripercorre i 56 anni di Barbara Millicent Robert, aka Barbie, l’icona globale che è riuscita ad abbattere frontiere linguistiche, culturali, sociali e antropologiche.
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Mudec, Museum of Cultures, houses the exhibition ‘Barbie The Icon’ which traces 56 years of Barbara Millicent Robert, aka Barbie, the global icon that has managed to knock down linguistic, cultural, social, and anthropological barriers.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, [Fashion Misc]

[22 Set 2014 | no comment | ]
Moschino ♥ Think Pink: Come on Barbie, Let’s go Party!

Per la primavera / estate 2015 di Moschino, Jeremy Scott si lascia ispirare ancora una volta dalla cultura pop e consumistica: Barbie, eroina delle donne di tutte le generazioni, simbolo contraddittorio, icona di femminismo e schiavitù dell’apparire al tempo stesso.
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For Moschino spring / summer 2015, Jeremy Scott is inspired once again by pop culture and consumerism: Barbie, heroine of women of all generations, a contradictory symbol, that is seen as an icon of feminism and shallow beauty at the same time.

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!Kawaii News!, Photography, [Art Misc]

[3 Lug 2014 | no comment | ]
Dina Goldstein: Barbie and Ken In the Dollhouse

In The Dollhouse è un progetto fotografico di Dina Goldstein, che mostra ipotetiche scene di vita quotidiana di Barbie e Ken. Il progetto fa riflettere sul rapporto tra potere, bellezza e felicità che non sono requisiti sufficienti per vivere in modo felice e appagante.
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In The Dollhouse is a photographic project by Dina Goldstein, which shows Barbie and Ken in their everyday life together. The project makes people think about the relationship between power, beauty and happiness, not sufficient requirements for a happy and fulfilling life.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Photography, Sculpture, Toy

[31 Gen 2013 | 2 comments | ]
Barbie Ma Muse ♥ Jocelyne Grivaud

Per molte bambine e per le loro mamme Barbie è la bambola per eccellenza, nonostante sia stata criticata come simbolo di consumismo. Jocelyne Grivaud ha provato a trasporla in famose opere d’arte per confrontarne le curiose somiglianze e valutarne i contrasti.
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For many girls and their moms Barbie is the doll par excellence, despite being criticized as symbol of consumerism. Jocelyne Grivaud tried to transpose her into famous artworks to compare curious similarities and contrasts.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Toy

[28 Mar 2012 | 1 comment | ]
Barbie Loves Salvo Filetti: Dolls and Hairstyles

Play with Fashion è il nuovo slogan di Mattel per Barbie che sarà protagonista in diversi appuntamenti nel campo della moda. Ora è il turno dell’Italia che con la mostra “Barbie Loves Salvo Filetti” mostra un risultato raffinato.
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Play with Fashion is the new slogan that Mattel has thought up for Barbie, that will take part in different fashion events. Now it’s the turn of Italy to show a refined result in the exhibition “Barbie Loves Salvo Filetti”.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Place, Toy

[12 Gen 2012 | 3 comments | ]
A New Hairstyle for Barbie by Bleach

A fine dicembre si è svolta un’iniziativa molto carina che vedeva coinvolta Barbie, che per due settimane è stata acconciata dai parrucchieri dei saloni Bleach, utilizzando anche i suoi capelli personalizzabili e stampabili: i Designable Hair.
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At the end of December there was a cute initiative where Barbie took part in, her hair were done by the hair stylists of Bleach salons for two weeks, even using her customizable and printable hair: the Designable Hair.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Toy

[18 Ott 2011 | 17 comments | ]
Tokidoki New Model: Barbie

Tokidoki Barbie Doll è la prima Barbie tatuata, ha un look fashion street e porta un originale caschetto rosa. L’abbigliamento? Un total look Tokidoki e tiene al guinzaglio il celebre Cactus Friend Bastardino.
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Tokidoki Barbie Doll is the first Barbie tattooed, she has a street fashion look and she has shaped her hair into a pink bob. The clothes? A Tokidoki total look and she has Bastardino on a leash, the famous green Cactus Friend.

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!Kawaii News!, Toy

[18 Nov 2010 | 13 comments | ]
Barbie ♥ I Can Be

Cos’è stata Barbie per noi e cosa rappresenta ora?
Adesso faremo un tuffo nei ricordi, che siamo felici di poter condividere con voi.
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What did Barbie mean to us and what does she represent now?
Now here is our blast from the past and we are happy to share it with you.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Illustration, Jewellery, Object, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Toy

[18 Giu 2010 | 1 comment | ]
Focus on: Kawaii Zodiac

Zodiaco occidentale o Zodiaco cinese?
Qualunque sia la vostra risposta non si escludono a vicenda, e che crediate o meno alle previsioni, quando si parla di zodiaco si parla anche di ispirazione, ed ecco la nostra raccolta non solo kawaii a tema.
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Western zodiac or Chinese zodiac?
Whatever is your answer, they aren’t mutually exclusive options, and believing the predictions or not, zodiac means also inspiration, and here is our not only kawaii themed collection.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Beauty, Event, Furniture, Jewellery, Object, Packaging, Photography, Toy, Underwear

[8 Gen 2010 | 3 comments | ]
Barbie’s 50th anniversary in Italy

Anche l’Italia, patria della moda e del design, ha festeggiato i 50 anni di Barbie creando prodotti di moda e di design per un pubblico adulto che ama il colore rosa e questa icona “everpink”.
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Also Italy, home of fashion and design, has celebrated 50 years of Barbie by creating fashion and design products for an adult audience who loves the color pink and this “everpink” icon.

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