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Tag: Canada

!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[8 Mag 2018 | no comment | ]
We All Live Under the Same Sky: Camilla D’Errico at CHG

“Sky” è la mostra più recente di Camilla D’Errico che si è tenuta alla Corey Helford Gallery, ispirata da una frase che l’artista ha sentito mentre era in soggiorno in Italia “Viviamo tutti sotto lo stesso cielo”.
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‘Sky’ is Camilla D’Errico’s latest exhibition held at the Corey Helford Gallery, inspired by a phrase the artist heard while she was visiting Italy ‘We all live under the same sky’.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[19 Apr 2017 | no comment | ]
Rainbows at Dorothy Circus Gallery with Paolo Pedroni & Camilla D’Errico

Paolo Pedroni e Camilla D’Errico sono i protagonisti di due mostre personali alla Dorothy Circus Gallery di Roma dal 31 marzo al 30 aprile, il filo conduttore che unisce le due mostre è l’arcobaleno.
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Paolo Pedroni and Camilla D’Errico are the protagonists of two solo exhibitions at Dorothy Circus Gallery in Rome from March 31 to April 30, the central thread of the two shows is the rainbow.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration

[22 Lug 2016 | no comment | ]
The Game of Thrones Characters in the Dark and Odd Style of Tim Burton

Xenia Rassolova è una giovanissima artista canadese che ha collaborato con il magazine online Obsev per dare vita ai personaggi di Game of Thrones in un’inedita interpretazione alla Tim Burton.
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Xenia Rassolova is a young Canadian artist who collaborated with the online magazine Obsev to draw the characters of Game of Thrones in a new interpretation based on Tim Burton’s style.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[31 Mar 2015 | no comment | ]
Beauty in the Breakdown - Camilla d’Errico & Sarah Joncas

“Beauty In The Breakdown” è la mostra alla Thinkspace Gallery, aperta dal 28 febbraio, che unisce due talenti canadesi, Camilla d’Errico e Sara Joncas, che avevano già esposto insieme circa 10 anni fa.
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“Beauty In The Breakdown” is the show at the Thinkspace Gallery on display from February 28, joining two Canadian talents, Camilla d’Errico and Sarah Joncas, who had already exhibited together about 10 years ago.

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!Kawaii News!, Photography, [Art Misc]

[3 Lug 2014 | no comment | ]
Dina Goldstein: Barbie and Ken In the Dollhouse

In The Dollhouse è un progetto fotografico di Dina Goldstein, che mostra ipotetiche scene di vita quotidiana di Barbie e Ken. Il progetto fa riflettere sul rapporto tra potere, bellezza e felicità che non sono requisiti sufficienti per vivere in modo felice e appagante.
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In The Dollhouse is a photographic project by Dina Goldstein, which shows Barbie and Ken in their everyday life together. The project makes people think about the relationship between power, beauty and happiness, not sufficient requirements for a happy and fulfilling life.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration

[28 Apr 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Gender Bending Disney and Studio Ghibli Characters by Sakimichan

Yue aka Sakimichan è un’illustratrice Canadese che realizza opere a cavallo tra il fantasy e il manga. Ha avuto successo la sua serie “gender bending”, dove reinterpreta personaggi presi dalle favole Disney e dai capolavori dello Studio Ghibli invertendone il genere sessuale.
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Yue aka Sakimichan is a young Canadian illustrator who draws works halfway between fantasy and manga. Her “gender bending” series has been successful, she reinterprets characters taken from Disney fairy tales and Studio Ghibli masterpieces changing the gender.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Toy

[20 Dic 2010 | 5 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Camilla D’Errico

Camilla D’Errico è una famosa pittrice, disegnatrice di fumetti e designer di toys. Il suo stile pittorico richiama quello dei manga e i ritratti rinascimentali. La presenza di animali, ingranaggi e colori vivaci, attira chi vede le sue opere.
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Camilla D’Errico is a famous painter, cartoonist and toy designer. Her pictorial style reminds the world of manga and Renaissance portraits. The presence of pets, gears and bright colors fascinates those who watch her works.

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!Kawaii News!, Underwear, [Fashion Misc]

[22 Nov 2010 | 7 comments | ]
Purrfect Cute Lingerie: Purrfect Pineapples

Purrfect Pineapples è un marchio di abbigliamento intimo e corsetteria nato dalla fashion designer Erika Shuhendler. È un brand cruelty-free e i prodotti sono davvero carini e kawaii, impossibile non amarli.
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Purrfect Pineapples is a brand of underwear and corsetry founded by the fashion designer Erika Shuhendler. It’s a cruelty-free brand and their products are so cute and kawaii, it’s impossible not to love them!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Apparel, Beauty, Photography

[28 Ott 2010 | 1 comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: La Carmina

La Carmina è un’esperta in subculture alternative e moda giapponesi. È una blogger, cool hunter, trend setter e presenta dei programmi per diversi canali televisivi che riguardano i suoi argomenti preferiti: moda alternativa giapponese, cucina, locali a tema.
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La Carmina is an expert in alternative Japanese subcultures and fashion. She is a blogger, cool hunter, a trend setter and she host programs for different TV channels about her favorite subjects: Japanese alternative fashion, cuisine, theme cafes and clubs.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Photography

[14 Lug 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Crinoline Flowers

Mai avrei pensato che delle gonne vaporose potessero somigliare alla corolla di un fiore e le gambe a dei pistilli, eppure Daryl Banks le ha fotografate.
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I have never thought that wide skirts could remind a flower and legs could remind pistils, but Daryl Banks photographed them.

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