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Tag: environment

!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Event, Jewellery, Object

[22 Apr 2013 | no comment | ]
Focus On: Earth Day 2013, Wearable Green

Il 22 Aprile è la Giornata della Terra, un’occasione molto importante che serve per ricordarci quando sia prezioso l’ambiente che ci circonda. Tutti i nostri piccoli gesti, ogni giorno, hanno un peso, un impatto, e siamo noi a decidere in che direzione muoverci.
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Earth Day is on April 22, a very important occasion to remind us how precious it is the environment that surrounds us. All of our small actions, every day, have an impact and we decide in which direction to move.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Painting

[16 Lug 2012 | no comment | ]
Environmental Shows at Dorothy Circus Gallery: “Green Blood” and “Fame: I’m going to Live Forever”

“Green Blood”, il sangue verde della natura differisce dal nostro solo per un atomo, il magnesio al posto del ferro. Oltre a questa mostra alla Dorothy Circus Gallery, dal 14 Giugno al 20 Luglio, è possibile ammirare “Fame: I’m going to Live Forever”.
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The “Green Blood” of nature differs from ours only for an atom, magnesium instead of iron. In addition to this show you can also admire at Dorothy Circus Gallery, from June the 14th to July the 20th, “Fame: I’m going to Live Forever”.

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!Kawaii News!, Object, Sculpture

[14 Feb 2011 | 8 comments | ]
Sayaka Kajita Ganz - Objects Come to Life

Sayaka Kajita Ganz è un’artista che rappresenta con estrema delicatezza e poesia gli animali in movimento. Le sculture impressioniste sono composte da oggetti di uso quotidiano riciclati.
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Sayaka Kajita Ganz is an artist who represents animals in movement in a extreme refined and poetic way. Her impressionist sculptures are made up of recycled everyday objects.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Toy

[9 Feb 2011 | 9 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Sheena Aw ♥ Caramelaw

Sheena Aw, alias Caramelaw, è un’illustratrice e character designer kawaii di giorno e una supereroina a Candyland di notte. Amiamo moltissimo le sue opere la cui felicità è contagiosa e siamo felici di presentare qui la sua intervista.
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Sheena Aw, aka Caramelaw, is a kawaii illustrator and character designer by day and a Candyland superhero by night. We really love her works whose happiness is contagious and we’re happy to present her interview here.

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!Kawaii News!, Furniture, Object, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[8 Ott 2010 | 3 comments | ]
Lighting Design: Stuart Haygarth

Stuart Haygarth è un lighting designer che nelle sue opere raccoglie un gran numero di oggetti quotidiani, riorganizzandoli e cambiandone il significato, realizzando lampadari, installazioni e affascinanti sculture di luce.
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Stuart Haygarth is a lighting designer who collects a large number of everyday objects in its works, reorganizing them and changing their meaning, making chandeliers, installations and fascinating light sculptures.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories

[19 Lug 2010 | no comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: Giulia Boccafogli

Nella designer italiana Giulia Boccafogli si conciliano alla perfezione architettura e gioiello. Gli studi sui materiali e le lavorazioni manuali danno vita a bijoux in materiali riciclati che sembrano sculture e a monili che richiamano le morbide forme della natura.
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The Italian designer Giulia Boccafogli combines architecture and jewelry. Her jewels are made after a research into materials, often recycled materials, and are handmade, they look like sculptures which remind soft shapes of the nature.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[29 Apr 2010 | 11 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Claire Morgan

Claire Morgan è una giovane artista nord irlandese che crea affascinanti sculture ispirate alla natura, gli animali e la geometria. Le sue installazioni coinvolgono profondamente il pubblico.
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Claire Morgan is a young Northern Irish artist who creates fascinating sculptures inspired by nature, animals and geometry. Her installations involve deeply the audience.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Furniture, Jewellery, Object, [Art Misc], [Design Misc]

[22 Apr 2010 | 8 comments | ]
Focus on: Earth Day and Inspirations

Nell’Earth Day vogliamo presentare alcune idee che possano essere di ispirazione per riutilizzare e riciclare … in modo kawaii!!! Riciclare può essere facile, divertente e i risultati possono esssere ottimi, basta un po’ di fantasia!
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In the Earth Day, we want to present some ideas which can be an inspiration to reuse and recycle… in a kawaii way! Recycling can be easy, funny and it’s possible to get very good results, you need just a bit of imagination!

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!Kawaii News!, Painting, Sculpture

[15 Mar 2010 | 4 comments | ]
Josh Keyes and the Soul of the Earth

Cosa succede se surrealismo, astrattismo e cubismo vengono interpretati secondo una percezione reale? Il risultato si può ricercare nelle opere di Josh Keyes, dove natura, fauna e civiltà umana si compenetrano.
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What happens if surrealism, cubism and abstractionism are interpreted according to a real perception? The result could be found in the Josh Keyes’s works, where nature, fauna and human civilization interpenetrate one another.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Furniture, Object, [Design Misc]

[28 Ott 2009 | 5 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Maruja Fuentes

Maruja Fuentes è architetto e docente alla International School of Design of the Turabo in Puerto Rico, la sua città natale, e focalizza le sue ricerche sul design sostenibile, lavorando sui complementi di arredo con un basso impatto ambientale.
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Maruja Fuentes is an architect and a professor at the International School of Design of the Turabo in Puerto Rico, whose home town, and she focuses her research on sustainable design, working on eco-friendly furniture’s.

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