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Tag: fairytale

!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[19 Mar 2017 | no comment | ]
Game of Thrones Characters Drawn in the Style of Disney Movies

Difficile immaginare il mondo di Trono di Spade riportato in un immaginario fiabesco dove regnano i buoni sentimenti, eppure sono riusciti nell’impresa Fernando Mendonça e Anderson Mahanski, fondatori dello studio di illustrazione e animazione Combo Estùdio di Rio de Janeiro.
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Hard to imagine the world of Game of Thrones represented as a fairytale full of noble sentiments, and yet two guys have succeeded, Fernando Mendonça and Anderson Mahanski, founders of the illustration and animation studio Combo Estùdio based in Rio de Janeiro.

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!Kawaii News!, [Art Misc]

[8 Mar 2017 | no comment | ]
The Beauty and The Beast 2017: Images, Review & Plot

La Bella e la Bestia è il remake live action diretto da Bill Condon del Classico di animazione Disney del 1991 basato sulla fiaba di Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Qui il nostro commento dell’anteprima che uscirà nelle sale italiane il 16 marzo.
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Beauty and the Beast is the live-action ramake directed by Bill Condon of Disney’s 1991 animated classic based on the fairy tale written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Here our review of the movie that will be released in the US and in the UK on March 17.

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!Kawaii News!, Apparel, Painting, [Art Misc], [Fashion Misc]

[24 Feb 2017 | no comment | ]
‘Whipped Cream’ Ballet with Scenic and Costume Design by Mark Ryden

Mark Ryden dallo scorso anno è stato impegnato nella realizzazione del design dei costumi e delle scenografie di “Whipped Cream”, un balletto con le coreografie di Alexei Ratmansky per l’American Ballet Theater.
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From last year Mark Ryden has been designing the costumes and sets of ‘Whipped Cream’, a ballet choreographed by Alexei Ratmansky for the American Ballet Theater.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Toy, [Art Misc]

[10 Feb 2017 | no comment | ]
Miyazaki - An Art Show Tribute at Spoke Art

“Miyazaki - An Art Show Tribute” è una mostra ospitata da Spoke Art in San Francisco che celebra la carriera di Hayao Miyazaki, recentemente tornato a lavorare su un cortometraggio girato in CGI, dopo aver annunciato il suo ritiro nel 2013.
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‘Miyazaki - An Art Show Tribute’ is an exhibition housed at Spoke Art in San Francisco celebrating Hayao Miyazaki’s career, recently come back to work on a short film in CGI, after announcing his retirement in 2013.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Sculpture, Shop, Shop Window, [Art Misc]

[8 Feb 2017 | no comment | ]
The Beautiful World of Forest Folks by Zim & Zou

The Forest Folks è un progetto di due giovani artisti francesi, Zim&Zou (Lucie Thomas e Thibault Zimmermann), realizzato in occasione dell’opening del monomarca Hermès a Dubai nella Mall of the Emirates.
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The Forest Folks is a project of two young French Artists, Zim & Zou (Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann), designed on the occasion of the opening of Hermès boutique in Dubai in the Mall of the Emirates.

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!Kawaii News!, Graphic, Illustration, Object, [Art Misc]

[18 Gen 2017 | no comment | ]
Stories for Ways and Means: 29 Stories, 29 Musicians, 29 Visual Artists and 6 Actors

“Stories for Ways and Means” è un ambizioso progetto che ha impiegato 10 anni per essere realizzato grazie a un’idea di Jeff Antebi, che ha voluto unire diversi talenti nel mondo dell’arte nella realizzazione di un libro di storie il cui ricavato sarà devoluto in beneficenza.
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‘Stories for Ways and Means’ is an ambitious project that took 10 years to see the light of day thanks to an idea of Jeff Antebi, who wanted to match many different talent to create a story book whose proceeds will benefit organizations dedicated to children’s literacy.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[9 Gen 2017 | no comment | ]
Takarabune, the Treasure Ship and the 7 Lucky Gods: Junko Mizuno at Nucleus Gallery

Takarabune è la mostra di Junko Mizuno che esplora la mitologia nipponica presentando le Sette Divinità della Fortuna (rappresentate tutte in veste femminile nonostante tradizionalmente solo Benzaiten sia una donna), Amaterasu e Izanami.
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Takarabune is the exhibition by Junko Mizuno housed at Nucleus Gallery in California that explores the Japanese mythology, presenting the Seven Lucky Gods (all represented as female despite traditionally only Benzaiten is a woman), Amaterasu and Izanami.

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!Kawaii News!, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[21 Set 2016 | no comment | ]
Forest Rogers and Her Fantastic Creatures

Oggi presentiamo una selezione di lavori della scultrice statunitense Forest Rogers, che porta in vita personaggi fantastici che sembrano appartenere ad un’epoca indefinita, suggestioni di un remoto futuro si intrecciano agli echi del passato e a ispirazioni mitologiche.
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Today we present a selection of works of the American sculptress Rogers Forest, who brings to life fantastic characters that seem to live in a mysterious time, inspiration of a distant future are intertwined to the echoes of the past and mythological inspirations.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, [Fashion Misc]

[5 Ago 2016 | no comment | ]
Chelsea’s Flowercrowns: Everybody can Feel Like a Mermaid

Chelsea ha iniziato a realizzare delle corone floreali e a incorporare conchiglie molti anni fa, proponendole non solo per festival ma anche per feste a tema e matrimoni, realizzando il sogno di ogni ragazza di sentirsi una principessa sirena o una fatina.
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Chelsea has started to realize floral crowns incorporating shells many years ago, proposing them not only for the festivals but also for theme parties and weddings, realizing the dream of every girl to feel like a mermaid princess or a fairy.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration

[27 Mag 2016 | no comment | ]
The Peaceful Spots Depicted by Gediminas Pranckevicius

Gediminas Pranckevičius è un illustratore e conceptual artist lituano, nel suo portfolio raccoglie una grande varietà di progetti che spaziano dalle illustrazioni per libri alle cover di album musicali, dal character design alle illustrazioni pubblicitarie.
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Gediminas Pranckevičius is a Lithuanian illustrator and conceptual artist, in his portfolio he shows many different projects ranging from picture book illustration to music album cover illustratios, from character design to illustrations for advertising.

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