Non Solo Kawaii

Non Solo Kawaii

Non Solo Kawaii

Non Solo Kawaii

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Tag: gothic

!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[1 Set 2017 | no comment | ]
Brandi Milne Solo Show: Once Upon a Quiet Kingdom at Corey Helford Gallery

Il 19 agosto Corey Helford Gallery ha inaugurato la personale di Brandi Milne, “Once Upon a Quiet Kingdom”, una mostra che l’artista californiana autodidatta ha maturato in 3 anni di sperimentazioni e di lavoro su se stessa.
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On August 19, Corey Helford Gallery opened Brandi Milne’s solo ‘Once Upon a Quiet Kingdom’, an exhibition that the self-taught Californian artist has developed in three years of experimentation and working on herself.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[25 Ago 2017 | no comment | ]
Ravina the Witch? by Junko Mizuno at Nucleus Gallery

Nucleus Gallery ospita ancora nei suoi spazi Junko Mizuno, com’era stato già fatto nel 2011 per le tavole di Cinderalla, questa volta in esposizione e vendita troviamo quelle di “Ravina the Witch?”, manga pubblicato originariamente nel 2014 dalla casa editrice francese Soleil.
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Nucleus Gallery houses Junko Mizuno again, as it was already happened in 2011 for Cinderalla original paintings, this time on display and on sale here are ‘Ravina the Witch?’ ones, manga originally released in 2014 by the French publisher Soleil.

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!Kawaii News!, Photography, [Art Misc]

[12 Lug 2017 | no comment | ]
Miles Aldridge Has Captured the Cast of Game of Thrones in Over-Saturated Colors

“La forte saturazione dei colori è il filo conduttore che trasporta gli spettatori nel mondo che ho creato per questi attori mentre l’accurata collocazione e selezione di ogni elemento del set dà vita al mondo mistico e oscuro de Il Trono di Spade”
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‘The vivid color narrative in each [photo] brings the viewers into the world I have created for these actors while the careful placement and selection of each prop brings to life the mystical, dark world of The Game of Thrones.’

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Underwear, [Fashion Misc]

[1 Apr 2016 | no comment | ]
Creepyyeha: Studs, Rouches, Leather and Tutus

Creepyyeha è il brand di lingerie fetish e ispirato all’arte del bondage fondato da Lisa Leung, giovane designer newyorkese di origini cinesi. Lisa si occupa personalmente della produzione dei sui capi al 100% personalizzabili.
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Creepyyeha is the fetish lingerie brand inspired by the art of bondage founded by Lisa Leung, a young New York designer of Chinese origin. Lisa personally takes care of the production of her 100% customizable garments..

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[1 Dic 2015 | no comment | ]
Triad: The Witch, The Nurse, The Wrestler by Junko Mizuno

Junko Mizuno presenta i suoi lavori inediti alla mostra è “Triad”, tre come i suoi personaggi preferiti kawaii e grotteschi: la strega, la sexy infermiera e la coraggiosa wrestler.
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Junko Mizuno, presents her new works in a exhibition entitled ‘Triad’, as three of her favorite kawaii and grotesque characters: the witch, the sexy nurse and the brave wrestler.

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!Kawaii News!, Food & Beverage, Illustration, Painting

[6 Mar 2015 | no comment | ]
Ambrosial Affair by Junko Mizuno at Narwhal Contemporary Gallery

Ambrosial Affair è la seconda mostra personale di tre della serie “Junko Mizuno’s Food Obsession” esposta alla Narwhal Contemporary gallery. In questi dipinti Junko Mizuno interpreta l’ossessione per il cibo come metafora di fame di potere e desiderio sessuale.
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Ambrosial Affair is the second solo in a three-part exhibition series “Junko Mizuno’s Food Obsession” on display at the Narwhal Contemporary gallery. In these works Junko Mizuno depicts the food obsession as a metaphor of lust for power and sexual desire.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[20 Feb 2015 | no comment | ]
Nightmare in Wonderland Project - The Show Inspired by Tim Burton’s Filmography

Nightmare In Wonderland è una mostra divisa su più fronti che verrà proposta da 4 gallerie diverse in 3 Paesi differenti e le opere modern-pop e pop-surrealiste sono ispirate dall’immaginario del più grande regista gotico moderno: Tim Burton.
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Nightmare In Wonderland is a multi-part exhibition project that will be displayed in 4 different galleries of 3 different countries and the modern-pop and pop-surrealist artworks are inspired by the world of the darkest filmmakers of our time: Tim Burton.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[28 Ott 2014 | no comment | ]
Kawaii Looks for Halloween: Wednesday vs Morticia Addams

Questo Halloween ci siamo ispirate alle signorine della Famiglia Addams, Mercoledì e Morticia, componendo 4 look che rispondono al loro immaginario e richiamano le loro passioni. Qual è il vostro preferito?
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This Halloween we are inspired by the ladies of the Addams Family, Wednesday and Morticia, composing 4 looks that remind of their imaginary and passions. What is your favourite?

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[18 Giu 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Brandi Milne ♥ Here Inside My Broken Heart

“Here Inside My Broken Heart” è la nuova meravigliosa mostra personale di Brandi Milne, artista che avevamo intervistato e di cui avevamo parlato per lo show “Before I Hide Away”, sempre alla Corey Helford Gallery.
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“Here Inside My Broken Heart” is the wonderful Brandi Milne’s new solo show, an artist who we interviewed and have already presented also in her exhibition “Before I Hide Away”, always at the Corey Helford Gallery.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[5 Giu 2014 | no comment | ]
Natalie Shau - Forgotten Heroines at Last Rites Gallery

“Forgotten Heroines” è la nuova mostra personale di Natalie Shau alla Last Rites Art Gallery, che si ispira alle figure femminili protagoniste di miti e leggende che fanno parte dell’immaginario di diverse culture (nordica, greca, ebraica, cristiana).
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“Forgotten Heroines” is the new exhibition by Natalie Shau at the Last Rites Art Gallery, inspired by the female figures taken from myths and legends that are part of the imaginary of different cultures (Norse, Greek, Hebrew and Christian).

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