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Tag: Kawaii Interview

!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, [Design Misc]

[28 Apr 2015 | 1 comment | ]
Avengers Age of Ultron: Images, Review, Interview to Joss Whedon & Plot

“Avengers: Age Of Ultron” è l’11° film del Marvel Cinematic Universe, diretto da Josh Whedon. Il 17 aprile abbiamo assistito alla preview e il 23 aprile abbiamo partecipato all’incontro stampa con Josh Whedon che ci ha svelato alcuni retroscena di questo magnifico film.
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“Avengers: Age of Ultron” is the 11th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. On April 17 we watched the premiere and on April 23 we attended the press conference with Josh Whedon that revealed some details of this great movie.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, [Art Misc]

[3 Ott 2014 | no comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: Dave Filoni on Star Wars Rebels

Settimana scorsa abbiamo visto Star Wars Rebels Tv Movie in anteprima nella sede Disney e abbiamo avuto l’onore di intervistare insieme agli altri blogger e giornalisti Dave Filoni, uno dei produttori esecutivi della serie e del film. Ecco cosa è emerso.
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Last week we were invited to watch the premiere of Star Wars Rebels Tv Movie on Disney headquarters and we had the honor to interview along with other bloggers and journalists Dave Filoni, one of the executive producers of the series and the movie and here is what he told us.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty

[3 Giu 2014 | 2 comments | ]
Disney Maleficent Première in Milan - M·A·C Cosmetics Backstage

Il 26 maggio abbiamo avuto l’onore di assistere al backstage della sfilata dell’evento organizzato da Disney in occasione dell’anteprima nazionale di Maleficent a Milano. Ecco i look presentati da M·A·C e Aldo Coppola e un’intervista flash a Michele Magnani.
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On May 26 we had the honour to attend the backstage of the fashion show at the event organized by Disney for the national Maleficent première in Milan. Here are the looks created by M·A·C and Aldo Coppola and a flash interview to Michele Magnani.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty

[17 Mar 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: Suzi Weiss-Fischmann ♥ OPI

Il 13 marzo abbiamo partecipato alla presentazione stampa di OPI “Vivi l’emozione del colore”, in cui è stata fatta una panoramica del brand direttamente da Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, abbiamo avuto l’onore di intervistala, ecco i segreti che abbiamo carpito!
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On March 13 we went to OPI Italian press presentation, Suzi Weiss-Fischmann in person gave an overview of the brand, we had the honor of interviewing her, here is what she said!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[16 Gen 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Kawaii Interview ♥ Francesca Cresciullo

Francesca Cresciullo è una giovane illustratrice italiana che abbiamo avuto il piacere di conoscere in occasione della mostra “Form Of Art” di SkinCeuticals per cui ha realizzato una bellissima opera ispirata a C E Ferulic e al nostro blog.
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Francesca Cresciullo is a young Italian illustrator who we had the pleasure of meeting at “Form Of Art” exhibition by SkinCeuticals for which she made a beautiful artwork inspired by C E Ferulic and by our blog.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, GIFT, Illustration, Toy, [Art Misc]

[28 Nov 2013 | no comment | ]
Ivan Ricci aka Kawaii-Style - Download Kawaii Fruits Memory

Kawaii-Style aka Ivan Ricci è un illustratore, graphic e paper designer romano dallo stile inconfondibile, che ha curato il design di un mazzo di 54 carte Memory da scaricare in azzurro sul suo sito e in rosa, personalizzate per non solo Kawaii.
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Kawaii-Style aka Ivan Ricci is an illustrator, graphic and paper designer born in Rome, his style is unique and he designed 54 Memory card deck, that you can download in blue on his website and in pink, customized for non solo Kawaii.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[8 Mag 2013 | no comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: Alessia Iannetti

Alessia Iannetti è un’artista italiana, che ha recentemente tenuto la sua prima mostra personale, Daphne Descends. Lo stile di Alessia si può ricondurre alle correnti Neo Surrealista e Neo Pop, le sue opere mettono a nudo la sua interiorità e la sua visione onirica del mondo.
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Alessia Iannetti is an Italian artist, who recently held her first solo exhibition, Daphne Descends. Alessia’s style is connected to Neo Surrealism and Neo Pop movements, her works show her inner self and her dream vision of the world.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, ART, Illustration, Painting

[27 Apr 2012 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Maria Rozalia Finna

Oggi faremo un tuffo in un mondo fantasy e kawaii in compagnia all’artista australiana Maria Rozalia Finna. Uno scenario surreale, tinto di colori pastello, dove incontrare icone dei mitici anni ‘80, cartoni animati e dolci figure a metà tra esseri umani e animali.
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Today we will make a journey into a magical and kawaii world with the Australian artist Maria Rozalia Finna. A pastel-colored surreal scene, where to meet the icons of the Swinging ’80s, cartoon characters and cute creatures half humans and half animals.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Painting, Toy

[18 Nov 2011 | 5 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Lisa Petrucci

Lisa Petrucci è una pittrice americana che rappresenta le sue passioni con uno stile kawaii e kitsch. Lisa chiama i suoi character Kickass Kuties, abbiamo fatto qualche domanda a questa artista che amiamo molto e ora vi lasciamo alla sua intervista.
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Lisa Petrucci is an American painter who represents her passions with a kitsch and kawaii style. Lisa says that her character are Kickass Kuties, we asked some questions to this artist that we love very much and here is her interview.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration, Painting

[21 Set 2011 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Rock’n'Dolls

Una nuova musica si ode alla galleria MondoPOP in occasione di una mostra collettiva incentrata sulla bellezza femminile interpretata da artisti pop surrealisti. Abbiamo intervistato alcuni tra questi e abbiamo chiesto quale fosse la loro playlist ideale.
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There is a new music at MondoPOP gallery on the occasion of the group exhibition focusing on female beauty interpreted by pop surrealist artists. We interviewed some of these artists and we asked them what is their ideal playlist.

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