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Tag: lolita

!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[6 Mag 2015 | no comment | ]
Chiho Aoshima: Rebirth of the World, Retrospective at the World at Seattle Art Museum

“Rebirth of the World” è la retrospettiva che il Seattle Art Museum dedica a Chiho Aoshima, ripercorrendo gli ultimi 10 anni di carriera di questa talentuosa artista giapponese, membro del collettivo artistico KaiKai Kiki fondato da Takashi Murakami.
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“Rebirth of the World” is a retrospective that the Seattle Art Museum is dedicating to Chiho Aoshima, retracing the last 10 years of the career of this talented Japanese artist, part of the artist’s collective KaiKai Kiki founded by Takashi Murakami.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[26 Nov 2014 | no comment | ]
Nicoletta Ceccoli ♥ Sweet & Low, Solo Show

Nicoletta Ceccoli espone le sue opere alla AFA Gallery, in “Sweet & Low” si potranno ammirare le imperturbabili lolita dell’artista, candide e inquietanti come bambole di porcellana, che affrontano le loro paure e frantumano i simboli dell’innocenza senza rimorsi.
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Nicoletta Ceccoli shows her works at the AFA Gallery, on “Sweet & Low” you can admire the impassive lolitas of the artist, pure and disturbing as porcelain dolls, who face their fears and crush symbols of innocence without remorse.

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!Kawaii News!, Painting, Sculpture

[10 Lug 2014 | no comment | ]
Summer Calling With Kukula, Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Natascia Raffio

Dorothy Circus Gallery ospita una mostra dedicata alla bella stagione, Summer Calling, che vedrà esposte 20 opere di Kukula, Natascia Raffio, Kathie Olivas e Brandt Peters, quattro artisti legati all’estetica neo surrealista e pop.
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Dorothy Circus Gallery presents an exhibition dedicated to this season, Summer Calling, where there will be displayed 20 works made by Kukula, Natascia Raffio, Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters, four artists related to neo surrealist and pop aesthetics.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[8 Mag 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Mark Ryden “The Gay 90’s: West” at the Kohn Gallery

“The Gay 90s: West” è la più recente mostra personale di Mark Ryden inaugurata alla Kohn Gallery. Il titolo si ispira al nome che ha assunto la fine ‘800 in America, un’epoca che viene ricordata con nostalgia, quando la vita era più semplice, genuina e spensierata.
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“The Gay 90s: West” is the latest solo exhibition of Mark Ryden opened at Kohn Gallery. The title refers to the decade of the 1890s, an age remembered with nostalgia, when life was more simple, genuine and carefree.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty

[20 Ago 2013 | no comment | ]
Yves Saint Laurent: Baby Doll by Lloyd Simmonds

Baby Doll by Lloyd Simmonds è la collezione makeup di Yves Saint Laurent che rappresenta una bellezza iperfemminile con accenti rock, incarnata dalla supermodella Cara Delevingne.
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Baby Doll by Lloyd Simmonds is Yves Saint Laurent makeup collection that depicts an ultra-feminine beauty with rock attitude, embodied by the supermodel Cara Delevingne.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Event, Illustration, Painting

[23 Mag 2011 | 10 comments | ]
Chubby Bunny: Bunnies & Bows

Il logo di Chubby Bunny è un coniglietto bianco paffutello e in suo onore Michelle Nguyen ha curato Bunnies & Bows: una mostra di gruppo durante la quale ha presentato la nuova collezione di accessori e la nuova testimonial, la cantante Kerli!
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Chubby Bunny logo is a plump white bunny and in its honor Michelle Nguyen has been the curator of Bunnies & Bows: it was a group exhibition where the new collection of accessories and the new testimonial, the singer Kerli!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[8 Mar 2011 | 7 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Little Red Riding Hood vs Big Bad Wolf

Ecco a confronto la dolce Cappuccetto Rosso vestita di rosso e rosa con fragole, fiocchi, pois e tortine da portare alla nonna malata e la sexy Lupo Cattivo vestita di nero, con tocchi d’argento e rosso sangue.
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Here is the sweet Little Red Riding Hood, dressed in red and pink with strawberries, bows, polka dots and cupcakes for her sick grandmother and the sexy female Big Bad Wolf dressed in black, with silver and red blood detail.

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!Kawaii News!, Photography

[26 Gen 2011 | 6 comments | ]
Elena Kalis ♥ Alice in WaterLand

Elena Kalis è una straordinaria fotografa specializzata negli scatti sott’acqua. Ha scattato una bellissima serie di fotografie è conosciuta con due nomi: Alice in WaterLand e Alice in WonderWater.
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Elena Kalis is an extraordinary photographer specialized in underwater pictures. She has taken a beautiful series of photographs as known as: Alice in Waterland or Alice in WonderWater.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Apparel, Beauty, Photography

[28 Ott 2010 | 1 comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: La Carmina

La Carmina è un’esperta in subculture alternative e moda giapponesi. È una blogger, cool hunter, trend setter e presenta dei programmi per diversi canali televisivi che riguardano i suoi argomenti preferiti: moda alternativa giapponese, cucina, locali a tema.
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La Carmina is an expert in alternative Japanese subcultures and fashion. She is a blogger, cool hunter, a trend setter and she host programs for different TV channels about her favorite subjects: Japanese alternative fashion, cuisine, theme cafes and clubs.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Jewellery, Photography, Place, Toy

[21 Ott 2010 | 17 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Miwa ♥ Sweet Lolita ♥ Part 2

Come anticipato nello scorso articolo, qui vi presentiamo l’intervista integrale di Miwa, con le fotografie scattate proprio per questa occasione.
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As we said in the previous article, here we present Miwa’s full interview with photos taken especially for this occasion.

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