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Tag: shoes

!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery, Underwear

[2 Ago 2011 | 4 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Summer Girl vs Dazzling Lady

L’estate è arrivata e anche in spiaggia vogliamo essere kawaii!
Kawaii Girls, a chi vorreste ispirarvi per un look estivo? Al look baby di Summer Girl o a quello da diva di Lady Sand?
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Summer is here and we want to be kawaii even on the beach!
Whom do you Kawaii Girls inspire for a summer look? Summer Girl’s baby look or the diva Dazzling Lady?

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[12 Lug 2011 | Comments Off | ]
Kawaii Look: Princess Swan vs Peacock Lady

Abbiamo composto due look ispirandoci a due stupende creature volatili: il regale cigno e il vanitoso pavone, gli uccelli più eleganti per eccellenza.
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We made ​​two looks inspired by two beautiful flying animals: the royal swan and the vain peacock, the most elegant birds par excellence.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[30 Giu 2011 | 13 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Sparkling Mermaid vs Baby Mermaid

Con l’arrivo dell’estate abbiamo composto due look marini ispirati alle sirene: la romantica sirena Sparkling Mermaid e la sirenetta kawaii Baby Mermaid.
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Summer is come, so we have made two marine looks inspired by mermaids: the romantic Sparkling Mermaid and the kawaii little Baby Mermaid.

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[23 Mag 2011 | 2 comments | ]
Sneaker Movement is All Around You

Foot Locker ha pensato di lanciare questa iniziativa davvero carina: ha aperto un sito internet dove promuovere lo Sneaker Movement, lì tutti gli appassionati di scarpe sportive possono trovare nuove ispirazioni.
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Foot Locker has decided to launch this really nice idea: it has opened a website to promote the Sneaker Movement, where sports shoes fans can find new inspirations.

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[6 Mag 2011 | 34 comments | ]
Newfeel OneMany - Regalo per i Lettori Italiani

Siamo felici di presentarvi Newfeel, un brand di abbigliamento sportivo la cui missione è “rendere più sportiva ogni giornata normale, camminando”. Newfeel offre ai lettori italiani di “non solo Kawaii” una grande opportunità: potrete vincere un paio di scarpe OneMany!
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We are going to talk about Newfeel, a sports clothing brand whose mission is “add sport to your day with a walk”. The most original Newfeel product is certainly OneMany shoes, we’ll talk shortly about them.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery, Underwear

[13 Apr 2011 | 12 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Nana Osaki vs Nana “Hachi” Komatsu

Nana è il celebre manga di Ai Yazawa. Ecco a confronto i look delle due protagoniste che portano lo stesso nome e condividono un profondo legame che va al di là dell’amicizia.
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Nana is the famous manga by Ai Yazawa. Here we compare the look of the two protagonists who have the same name and share a deep bond that it’s more than a friendship.

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Accessories, Event

[22 Mar 2011 | no comment | ]
Puma Social on Tour Comes to Italy

Arriva anche in Italia il tour Puma Social iniziato nell’autunno 2010 che ha toccato diverse città in tutto il mondo.
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Puma Social comes to Italy, it was started in autumn 2010 and it reached many cities around the world.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[8 Mar 2011 | 7 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Little Red Riding Hood vs Big Bad Wolf

Ecco a confronto la dolce Cappuccetto Rosso vestita di rosso e rosa con fragole, fiocchi, pois e tortine da portare alla nonna malata e la sexy Lupo Cattivo vestita di nero, con tocchi d’argento e rosso sangue.
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Here is the sweet Little Red Riding Hood, dressed in red and pink with strawberries, bows, polka dots and cupcakes for her sick grandmother and the sexy female Big Bad Wolf dressed in black, with silver and red blood detail.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, E-Commerce, Jewellery, Underwear

[1 Mar 2011 | 7 comments | ]
Betsey Johnson: Fashion is Fun

Betsey Johnson è una fashion designer statunitense, i suoi segni distintivi sono la femminilità, l’uso di colori vivaci, l’allegria, il divertimento e tutto ciò che rispecchia la kawaii philosophy: sentirsi bene con se stesse!
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Betsey Johnson is an American fashion designer, her distinguishing features are femininity, the use of bright colors, joy and everything that reflects the kawaii philosophy: feeling good about themselves!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[17 Feb 2011 | 30 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: The Last Unicorn vs My Little Pony

Gli unicorni sono esseri magici e incantati, protagonisti delle più belle fiabe. Ecco i due unicorni più celebri a confronto in due look dallo stile molto diverso: l’elegante Ultimo Unicorno e il dolce Mio Mini Pony.
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Unicorns are magical and enchanted creatures, characters of the most beautiful fairy tales.
We have compared the two most famous unicorns making two different looks: the elegant Last Unicorn and the sweet My Little Pony.

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