Non Solo Kawaii

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Non Solo Kawaii

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Non Solo Kawaii

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Tag: video

!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Apparel, Food & Beverage, Graphic, Illustration, Object, Packaging, Toy, Underwear

[14 Giu 2010 | 2 comments | ]
Focus on: Kawaii Milk Packaging

Il latte è il primo alimento che ognuno di noi ha assunto in vita sua. È bianco, ricco di calcio, fa bene alla salute e… ha delle confezioni così carine e kawaii!
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Milk is the first food that everybody eats. It is white, rich in calcium and healthy and… it has so cute and kawaii packaging!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, GIFT, Graphic, Illustration, Toy

[3 Mar 2010 | 11 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Ivan Ricci ♥ kawaii-style

Ivan Ricci è un illustratore e designer di papertoy decisamente kawaii, sia di nome che di fatto. I suoi personaggi hanno uno sguardo felice e un sorriso perenne sulle labbra. Con kawaii-style anche gli oggetti inanimati prendono vita e sorridono.
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Ivan Ricci is an illustrator and papertoy designer really kawaii, in name and in deed. His characters have a happy look and a perpetual smile on their lips. With Kawaii-style even inanimate objects come to life and smile.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Beauty, Event, Furniture, Jewellery, Object, Packaging, Photography, Toy, Underwear

[8 Gen 2010 | 3 comments | ]
Barbie’s 50th anniversary in Italy

Anche l’Italia, patria della moda e del design, ha festeggiato i 50 anni di Barbie creando prodotti di moda e di design per un pubblico adulto che ama il colore rosa e questa icona “everpink”.
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Also Italy, home of fashion and design, has celebrated 50 years of Barbie by creating fashion and design products for an adult audience who loves the color pink and this “everpink” icon.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Beauty, Event, Furniture, Jewellery, Object, Photography, Place, Toy

[31 Dic 2009 | 5 comments | ]
Barbie’s 50th anniversary

Barbie compie 50 anni e il mondo la festeggia dedicandole prodotti in edizione limitata e pezzi unici. Ora, anche se non siamo più delle bambine, possiamo essere un po’ come Barbie e vivere “la vie en rose”.
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It’s the 50th Barbie’s birthday and the world contends her for dedicating products in limited editoand unique pieces. Now, even if we are no longer girls, we can be a bit like Barbie and live “la vie en rose”

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Graphic, Illustration, Toy, [Art Misc], [Design Misc]

[22 Dic 2009 | no comment | ]
Focus on: Super Wonder Women

Chi l’ha detto che le ragazze aspettano il principe azzurro che le salvi in groppa al suo cavallo bianco? Ormai noi ragazze ci salviamo da sole!!! Una raccolta delle nuove super-eroine.
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Who said that girls are waiting for Prince Charming who will save them on his white horse?
Now we girls rescue ourself!!! A collection of new super-heroines.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration

[2 Dic 2009 | no comment | ]
Shunga e Manga ♥ Part 1

I manga di genere hentai e le opere artistiche giapponesi a tema erotico affondano le loro radici proprio nelle shunga. Ecco le stanze censurate della mostra di Palazzo Reale e accolte da Yamato Video a Milano.
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The hentai manga and the Japanese erotic art works have their roots precisely in shunga. We present the censored rooms of the exhibition at Palazzo Reale and housed at Yamato Video in Milan.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories

[30 Nov 2009 | 1 comment | ]
Bad Romance

Uscito ufficialmente nel globo il 27 ottobre “Bad Romance”, il nuovo singolo della discussissima Lady Gaga, ha rapidamente scalato le classifiche.
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Officially released in the globe on October 27, “Bad Romance”, the new single of the controversial Lady Gaga, has quickly risen in the charts.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Toy

[27 Nov 2009 | 5 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Yuko Yamaguchi ♥ Hello Kitty

non solo Kawaii ha avuto l’onore di intervistare Yuko Yamaguchi: la disegnatrice ufficiale di Hello Kitty, nonchè la sua attuale mamma.
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non solo Kawaii had the honor of interviewing Yuko Yamaguchi: the official designer of Hello Kitty and her current mum.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Event, Jewellery, Object, Shop, Shop Window, Toy

[13 Nov 2009 | 10 comments | ]
Happy Birthday Hello Kitty

Il Kawaii Team è andato al compleanno di Hello Kitty per festeggiare i suoi 35 anni, portati benissimo. Ad accoglierci, proprio Yuko Yamaguchi, che ha eseguito bozzetti originali e autografati per i primi 40 fan! E noi siamo state tra le fortunate.
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The Kawaii Team went to the Hello Kitty birthday to celebrate her 35 years, and she looks great. To welcome us, there was Yuko Yamaguchi, who made original and autographed sketches for the first 40 fans! And we were among the lucky ones.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Furniture, Place, [Art Misc]

[9 Nov 2009 | 1 comment | ]
Hello Kitty the Show - il Musical by Sanrio

Il 3 novembre si è tenuta la conferenza stampa del Musical “Hello Kitty the Show, musical di una favola moderna” presso il Teatro Nuovo di Milano, e il Kawaii Team non poteva lasciarsi sfuggire questa preview!
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On November 3 there was a press conference of the musical “Hello Kitty the Show, a musical of a modern tale” at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan and the Kawaii Team could not miss this preview!

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