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The Human Animals of Marion Peck

29 Aprile 2013 no comment

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Wabbit, 2012

Undici ritratti di animali realizzati dall’artista pop surrealista Marion Peck.
La mostra intitolata Animals ha raccolto, dal 30 marzo al 27 aprile 2013 presso la Michael Kohn Projects di Los Angeles, le ultime opere di questa straordinaria artista che, insieme al marito Mark Ryden, è una dei pilastri di questa corrente artistica.

Eleven animal portraits painted by the pop surrealist artist Marion Peck.
Animals is the name of the exhibition, opened from March 30 to April 27 2013 at Michael Kohn Projects in Los Angeles, that collected the last works of this extraordinary artist who is one of the main exponents of this artistic movement, together with her husband Mark Ryden.

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Horsey, 2012

Difficile capire se si trattino veramente di animali, perchè di animalesco i protagonisti hanno solo le fattezze. I loro occhi esprimono sentimenti e parlano direttamente al nostro cuore: tristezza, tenerezza, solitudine. Alcuni ricordano gli uomini anche nelle pose, come il gattino bianco a letto malato, il cervo in piedi su due zampe o il topo, perfettamente vestito da clochard.

It’s hard to understand if they are really animals, because their eyes express feelings and speak from the heart: sadness, tenderness, loneliness. Some of them remind of men even in the pose, such as the white kitten sick in bed, a deer standing on two legs or a mouse dressed like a tramp.

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Sick Kitten, 2012

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Landscape with Standing Deer, 2013

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Bum Rat, 2012 / Owl, 2013

L’attenzione per gli sfondi e la composizione della flora sono chiaramente ispirate al Rinascimento fiammingo.
Il nostro sguardo, dopo aver fissato a lungo gli intensi occhi del protagonista, si posa sullo sfondo viaggiando tra le verdi vallate.

The backgrounds and the composition of the flora are inspired by the Flemish Renaissance.
After watching the deep eyes of the protagonist, we admire the background and we are lost between the green valleys.

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Dead Bird, 2012

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Hamster in the Grass, 2012

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Fish and Bird, 2012

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Sad Pig, 2013

Marion Peck, surrealist animals at Michael Kohn Projects
© Marion Peck - Frog on a Lily Pad, 2013



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