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The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

29 Dicembre 2015 no comment

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

Il Teatro della Luna per il passaggio dal 2015 al 2016 propone uno spettacolo speciale per tutta la famiglia, “The Magic of Erix Logan e Sara Maya” con la regia di Maurizio Colombi, in scena il 31 dicembre alle ore 21.30, per chi cerca di chiudere l’anno con atmosfere fatate, o iniziarlo nello stupore il primo gennaio alle ore 17.

‘The Magic of Erix Logan and Sara Maya’ directed by Maurizio Colombi is the show performing at Teatro della Luna in Milan on December 31 at 9.30 p.m and on January 1 at 5 p.m, for those who are looking for amazement and fairy atmospheres.

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya | Ph: Diego Mondini

“The Magic of Erix Logan e Sara Maya” è una nuova forma di intrattenimento e illusionismo che abbraccia varie forme d’arte, Erix Logan sarà accompagnato dalla splendida voce dal vivo del soprano e sua compagna Sara Maya e diretto da Maurizio Colombi, noto regista dei family show italiani (Rapunzel, Peter Pan il Musical, Shakespeare Hits, I Promessi Sposi, I Gormiti, Heidi, Pirates).

‘The Magic of Erix Logan and Sara Maya’ is a new form of entertainment and stage magic that embraces different kinds of art, Erix Logan will be accompanied by Sara Maya’s beautiful voice, soprano and his partner, and directed by Maurizio Colombi, renowned director of many Italian family shows (Rapunzel, Peter Pan the Musical, Shakespeare Hits, The Betrothed, Gormiti, Heidi, Pirates).

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

Tra le performance veranno eseguite Drums, la reinterpretazione del classico numero della donna tagliata in due parti, e Reality Magic, dove il pubblico avrà una visione all’interno della scatola magica grazie ad un telecamera.

There will be performed many acts like Drums, a reinterpretation of the classic ‘cut in half’ illusion, and Reality Magic, where the public will have a view inside the magic box thanks to a camera.

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

La voce di Sara Maya incanterà il pubblico in Fireflies e Monitors, numero dove la tecnologia si unisce alla magia, non mancheranno anche le spettacolari e oniriche performance del Teletrasporto e del Volo Umano, considerato uno dei cavalli di battaglia di Erix Logan.

Sara Maya’s voice will enchant the audiences in Fireflies and Monitors, act where technology is combined with magic, there will also be spectacular and dreamlike performances of Teleportation and Human Flight, two of the most famous Erix Logan’s stage magics.

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

Non resta che farsi trasportare dalla magia!

Just let the magic happen!

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya
© The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

Teatro della Luna
Teatro della Luna - Facebook
The Magic of Erix Logan with Sara Maya

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