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Articoli in Painting

!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Painting, [Art Misc]

[10 Mag 2016 | no comment | ]
Kukula Capsule Collection X Red Valentino

Kukula è stata scelta per una capsule collection di Red Valentino, curata dai direttori creativi Maria Grazia Chiuri e Pierpaolo Piccioli, riuscendo a trasferire nell’animo romantico e rock del brand le sue vibrazioni rococò e il gelido fascino delle sue bellissime e scostanti lolite.
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Kukula has been chosen for a Red Valentino capsule collection, curated by the creative directors Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli, managing to bring in the rock romantic soul of the brand her rococo vibrations and the icy charm of her beautiful and detached lolitas.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, Toy, [Art Misc]

[27 Apr 2016 | no comment | ]
Hello Kitty & 99 Friends

Sanrio nel corso degli anni, oltre alla amatissima Hello Kitty, ha prodotto tantissimi altri personaggi. Perché non celebrare tutta la grande famiglia con una mostra?
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Sanrio designed many different characters over the years, in addition to the adorable Hello Kitty. Why not celebrate the whole big family with an exhibition?

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!Kawaii News!, Painting

[19 Apr 2016 | no comment | ]
Elegantly Indomitable at Alexi Era Gallery

“Elegantly Indomitable” è una mostra alla Alexi Era Gallery in Illinois che presenta i lavori di Yishu Wang e Rebecca Wulf, due artiste dallo stile molto diverso, ma per certi versi complementare.
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‘Elegantly Indomitable’ is an exhibition at Alexi Era Gallery in Illinois that presents Yishu Wang’s and Rebecca Wulf’s works, two artists with a very different style, but complementary in some ways.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[8 Apr 2016 | no comment | ]
Aestheticism at Vanilla Gallery in Tokyo

Aestheticism è la mostra collettiva presentata alla Vanilla Gallery di Tokyo e curata da Danijela Krha, co-fondatrice e caporedattore del magazine australiano di arte contemporanea beautiful.bizarre, visitabile dal 4 al 23 aprile.
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Aestheticism is the group exhibition displayed at Vanilla Gallery in Tokyo and curated by Danijela Krha, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Australian contemporary art magazine beautiful.bizarre, open from April 4 to 23.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[18 Mar 2016 | no comment | ]
Tendrils: Kelly Vivanco’s New Works and Illustrations of Thumbelina

“Tendrils” è il titolo della personale di Kelly Vivanco dove presenta alcuni suoi nuovi lavori e le tavole che illustrano la sua interpretazione della favola di “Mignolina”, delineata con la delicatezza che contraddistingue il suo stile e un pizzico di nostalgia.
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‘Tendrils’ is the title of Kelly Vivanco’s solo show, who displays some of her new works, and illustrations of her interpretation of ‘Thumbelina’ fairytale, that the artist outlines with the delicacy of her style and a bit of nostalgia.

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!Kawaii News!, Painting, [Art Misc]

[4 Mar 2016 | no comment | ]
Rovina Cai’s Narrative in Her Artworks

Rovina Cai è un’illustratrice freelance australiana, le cui opere si ispirano ai miti, alle favole e ai romanzi gotici, hanno un senso di dinamicità a livello compositivo e allo spettatore suggeriscono una storia che sta a lui immaginare.
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Rovina Cai is an Australian freelance illustrator, whose works are inspired by myths, fairy tales and gothic novels, they have a sense of dynamism in the composition and evoke in the viewer a story that is up to him to imagine.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[12 Feb 2016 | no comment | ]
Lápiz, Papel o Tijera at Plastic Murs Gallery

La Plastic Murs Gallery di València, Spagna, ha inaugurato lo scorso 29 gennaio la mostra “Lápiz, Papel o Tijera” (Matita, Carta o Forbici). I lavori, come dice il titolo della mostra, sono stati realizzati esclusivamente a matita su carta.
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Plastic Murs Gallery in València, Spain, opened the exhibition ‘Lápiz, Papel o Tijera’ (Pencil, Paper or Scissors) on January 29. The works, as the title of the exhibition suggests, are made exclusively in graphite on paper.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[27 Gen 2016 | no comment | ]
The Art of Carol Liu

Carol Liu è una giovane artista cinese, i cui personaggi hanno curve sinuose, occhi grandi e luminosi, che abbracciano influenze che variano dal pop nipponico, nei colori e nello stile rappresentativo, al neosurrealismo europeo, nella scelta della composizione.
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Carol Liu is a young Chinese artist, her characters are painted with soft curves, big and bright eyes, influenced by the Japanese pop style, in colors and shapes, and by the European neosurrealism, in the choice of the composition.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc], [Fashion Misc]

[19 Gen 2016 | no comment | ]
Our Tribute to David Bowie: a Selection of Art Pieces

Il mondo della musica è stato scosso dalla morte di David Bowie, artista camaleonte che ha ispirato con la sua arte persone nell’arco di 5 decadi. Abbiamo deciso di rendergli omaggio selezionando alcune opere d’arte influenzate dai suoi personaggi.
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David Bowie’s death was a blow to the music world, the chameleon artist who inspired people with his art over five decades. We decided to pay tribute by selecting some artworks influenced by his characters.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Photography, [Art Misc]

[15 Gen 2016 | no comment | ]
Temple of Art: a Look into the Lives of Artists

Temple of Art è un progetto iniziato nel 2012 dal fotografo Allan Amato che indaga la percezione dell’arte secondo più di 50 artisti che ne hanno fatto la loro professione.
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Temple of Art is a project that has begun in 2012 by photographer Allan Amato documenting the perception of art according to over 50 artists who have made it their profession.

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