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Coco by Disney Pixar: Images, Review & Plot

27 Dicembre 2017 no comment

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco è un film d’animazione prodotto Pixar Animation Studios e distribuito da Walt Disney Picture, nasce da un’idea originale del regista Lee Unkrich e celebra il Día de los Muertos, Giorno dei Morti nella cultura messicana (1 e 2 Novembre).
Nel film troviamo anche delle scene con l’artista messicana Frida Kahlo.
Coco è stato accolto molto bene della critica e ha ricevuto la nomination come Best Animated Feature Film al Critics’ Choice Movie Award e all’Annie Award, mentre ai 75th Golden Globe Awards come Best Animated Feature Film e Best Original Song (”Remember Me”).
In Messico è stato rilasciato nei cinema il weekend prima del Giorno dei Morti ed è il film ad aver ottenuto il maggior incasso nel Paese.
Negli Stati Uniti è stato distribuito il 22 Novembre e in Italia uscirà nelle sale il 28 Dicembre.

Coco is a computer-animated film produced Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Picture, based on an original idea by the director Lee Unkrich and it celebrates the Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead in the Mexican culture (November 1st and 2nd).
In the film we can also find some scenes with the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.
Coco earned numerous accolades and was nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at Critics’ Choice Movie Award and Annie Award, and at the 75th Golden Globe Awards for Best Animated Feature Film and Best Original Song (”Remember Me”).
In Mexico it was released in theaters the weekend before the Day of the Dead and became the highest-grossing film of all-time in the country.
In the United States it was released on November 22nd and in Italy on December 28th.

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Trama / Plot

Alla vigilia del Día de los Muertos le famiglie messicane espongono i ritratti dei propri antenati per tenerne vivo il ricordo e permettere alle loro anime di attraversare il ponte di fiori e vedere i propri cari durante i festeggiamenti.
Miguel Rivera è un bambino che non bada troppo alle tradizioni, ma è più concentrato a realizzare il sogno di diventare un musicista come il suo idolo Ernesto de la Cruz.
Purtroppo Miguel finisce nei guai e viene catapultato nella Terra dell’Aldilà dove conoscerà Hector, che rischia di sparire per sempre perché nessuno tiene vivo il suo ricordo nella Terra, e tutti i suoi antenati che cercheranno di riportarlo nella Terra dei Vivi prima che diventi anch’egli un fantasma.

On the eve of the Día de los Muertos Mexican families create an altar where to display portraits of their ancestors to keep their memory alive and allow their souls to cross the Marigold Bridge and see their loved ones during the festivities.
Miguel Rivera is a child who does not mind too much the traditions, but is more focused on fulfilling the dream of becoming a musician like his idol Ernesto de la Cruz.
Unfortunately Miguel gets into trouble and ends up in the Land of the Dead, where he knows Hector, who is going to disappear forever because no one keeps his memory alive in the Earth, and all his ancestors who try to bring him back to the Land of the Living before it’s too late.

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Commento / Review

Non siamo stupite dell’eccezionale riscontro della critica che ha ottenuto questo film, che tratta con grande delicatezza e sentimento il Día de los Muertos.
Tenete pronti i fazzoletti perché il viaggio di Miguel nella Terra dell’Aldilà non sarà solo ricco di avventura e umorismo, ma anche di momenti dal forte impatto emotivo, che porteranno il ragazzo a capire meglio la storia della sua famiglia e i suoi antenati stessi a riconsiderare il loro punto di vista.
Meravigliose le scenografie dai colori pop e percorse dai petali di Cempasúchil, che guidano il cammino dei cari defunti.

No wonder that Coco got a critical success, it’s a movie that presents with great delicacy and sentiment the Día de los Muertos.
Keep your handkerchiefs ready because Miguel’s journey in the Land of the Dead is not only full of adventure and humor, but also of strong emotional moments, which will lead the boy to better understand the story of his family and his ancestors themselves to reconsider their point of view.
Wonderful set in pop colors among the flying petals of Marigold, that guide the journey of the Dead.

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios


Regia / Directed by: Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina
Prodotto da / Produced by: Darla K. Anderson
Sceneggiatura / Screenplay by: Adrian Molina
Storia / Story: Lee Unkrich, Jason Katz, Matthew Aldrich, Adrian Molina
Musiche / Music by: Michael Giacchino
Casa di Produzione / Production company: Pixar Animation Studios
Casa di Distribuzione (Italia) / Distributed by (Italy): Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Durata / Running time: 109 min

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios

Coco - Pixar Animation Studios
© Coco - Pixar Animation Studios


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