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Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios

16 Dicembre 2013 no comment

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa

In questi giorni verrà distribuito nelle sale italiane “Frozen - Il regno di ghiaccio“, l’ultimo capolavoro di Walt Disney Animation Studios, ispirato alla fiaba di Hans Christian Andersen “La regina delle nevi”.

Frozen” has recently been released, it is the latest masterpiece of Walt Disney Animation Studios, inspired by the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, “The Snow Queen”.

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa & Anna
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa & Anna

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa & Anna
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa & Anna

  • Trama / Plot

La famiglia reale di Arendelle ha due eredi, Elsa la primogenita e futura regina e l’allegra Anna.
Elsa è una bambina felice e speciale, ha il potere di creare neve e ghiaccio, dono che le è difficile controllare completamente, tanto che un giorno si troverà a mettere in pericolo la vita della sorellina.
Da quel momento Elsa condurrà un’adolescenza in solitudine nel disperato tentativo di non ferire i suoi cari e di riuscire a controllare il suo potere, finché sarà costretta a venire in contatto con il mondo il giorno della sua incoronazione che determinerà una svolta nella sua vita.

The royal family of Arendelle has two heiresses, the eldest daughter and future Queen Elsa and the cheerful Anne.
Elsa is a happy and special girl, she has the ability to create ice and snow, a power hard to control completely, so much so that one day she accidentally injures her sister .
From that moment Elsa isolates herself from the rest of the world trying not to hurt her loved ones and to be able to control her power, until the day of her coronation ceremony that will be the turning point in her life .

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna, Olaf, Kristoff
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna, Olaf, Kristoff

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Marshmallow
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Marshmallow

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff

  • Commento / Review

In Frozen è facile affezionarsi e identificarsi nelle due protagoniste, che non rappresentano un ideale perfetto e irraggiungibile: Anna è simpatica e altruista, ma talvolta un po’ pesante e invadente, mentre Elsa, dapprima controllata e sobria, mostra in seguito anche il suo lato più oscuro, dando forma a Marshmallow, un terribile Golem nato dalla sua rabbia.
Il film ci ha catturate, oltre che per la trama avvincente, anche per le meravigliose scenografie invernali e i paesaggi fatati creati nel ghiaccio, e ci siamo divertite con le dolci scenette comiche di Olaf, il simpatico pupazzo di neve che sogna i Tropici e la generosa renna Sven.

It is easy to become attached to the two protagonists, who aren’t perfect: Anna is nice and caring, but sometimes a little heavy and intrusive, while Elsa, self-controlled and restrained at first, then shows her dark side, creating Marshmallow, a terrible Golem born from her anger.
The movie has catched our attention, not only for the gripping plot, but even for the wonderful winter scenery, the fairy landscapes built in the ice and we have enjoyed the funny sketches of the sweet Olaf, the cute snowman who dreams of the tropics and the generous reindeer Sven.

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa & Anna
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa & Anna

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Olaf
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Olaf

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Sven & Kristoff
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Sven & Kristoff

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios

  • Info

Regia / Directed by: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee
Produttore / Produced by: Peter Del Vecho
Sceneggiatura / Screenplay by: Jennifer Lee
Musiche / Music by: Christophe Beck
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Durata / Running time: 108 minutes

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Elsa

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Olaf
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Olaf

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Olaf
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Olaf

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff

Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff
© Frozen, Walt Disney Animation Studios - Anna & Kristoff


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