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Tag: trendy Milano

!Kawaii News!, Beauty

[2 Lug 2013 | no comment | ]
Exclusive Penhaligon’s Boutique in Milan

Il 9 maggio a Milano è stata inaugurata l’esclusiva boutique Penhaligon’s in Via Brera 5, un brand inglese fondato da William Henry Penhaligon nel 1870, conosciuto per le fragranze preziose e pregiate, che attingono la loro esclusività dalle materie prime rare e selezionate.
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The exclusive Penhaligon’s boutique was inaugurated on May 9 in Milan, a British brand founded by William Henry Penhaligon in 1870, known for precious and valuable fragrances, who are distilled from rare and selected ingredients.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Event

[20 Feb 2013 | no comment | ]
Cirque du Soleil Worlds Aways with M·A·C Cosmetics

La magia del Cirque du Soleil incanta il pubblico anche al cinema, con il film “Mondi Lontani”. Make up sponsor è M·A·C Cosmetics, che ci ha invitato a una meravigliosa anteprima preceduta da uno spettacolo circense.
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The magic of Cirque du Soleil amazes viewers, not only in theater, but also at the cinema, thanks to the movie “Worlds Aways”. Make up sponsor is M·A·C Cosmetics, who invited us to a wonderful preview preceded by a circus show.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty

[8 Feb 2013 | no comment | ]
Live at QVC with Michael diCesare

Questo è il racconto della nostra prima esperienza in tv, negli studi di QVC Italia, dove Angela è stata “modella” dell’hair stylist Michael diCesare, key stylist al Late Show di David Letterman, che lanciato la sua linea di prodotti per capelli testata e approvata dalle celebrità.
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This is the story of our first experience in television on QVC Italia, where Angela was a “model” of the hair stylist Michael diCesare, key stylist on Late Show with David Letterman, who launched his own hair product line tested and approved by celebrities”.

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!Kawaii News!, [Design Misc]

[31 Dic 2012 | 1 comment | ]
CreativitAPP ♥ Asus VivoTab RT & Windows 8

All’evento CreativitAPP, tenutosi il 5 dicembre 2012 presso 10 Watt a Milano, abbiamo avuto l’occasione di metterci alla prova utilizzando due nuovissimi strumenti creativi: il tablet ASUS VivoTab RT con sistema operativo Windows 8.
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At CreativitAPP event on December the 5th at 10 Watt in Milan, we had the opportunity to try two new creative tools: ASUS VivoTab RT tablet with Windows 8 Operating System.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty, Shop

[30 Ott 2012 | 1 comment | ]
Halloween Make Up ♥ Make Up For Ever School

Quante volte guardando i film dell’orrore ci siamo chiesti come si realizzassero tagli, bruciature, tumefazioni e dita mozzate talmente perfetti da sembrare veri? La make up artist Ilaria ci ha svelato i trucchi del mestiere e gli strumenti necessari per diventare un vero zombie.
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In the horror movies we watched many times cuts, burns, swelling and severed fingers so perfect as to seem real. The make up artist Ilaria who told us the tricks and the tools to become a zombie.

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!Kawaii News!, ART, Accessories, Beauty, Event, Illustration, Painting, Toy

[19 Ott 2012 | 1 comment | ]
InterCHARM Milano 2012 and Beauty Secrets

Sabato 6 ottobre abbiamo vissuto la fiera InterCHARM MILANO come blogger ufficiali e siamo state protagoniste della mini web-series Beauty Secrets. Il padiglione più interessante è stato quello dedicato alle unghie.
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We were InterCHARM MILANO official bloggers on Saturday the 6th and we were the protagonist of the web mini-series Beauty Secrets. The most interesting pavilion was the nail one.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Event

[17 Ott 2012 | no comment | ]
Sensual Vintage ♥ Max Factor Makeup School

Continuano gli appuntamenti con la Makeup School di Max Factor. Rajan Tolomei ci ha spiegato come trasformarci in seducenti donne anni ‘20 con occhi languidi e labbra quasi nere. Ora ripercorreremo i diversi step ed i prodotti utilizzati per realizzare questo look.
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Here is another Max Factor Makeup School. Rajan Tolomei told how to turn us into seductive 20s women, with languishing eyes and almost black lips. Now we’ll see the different steps to create this look.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Event

[2 Ott 2012 | no comment | ]
Elizabeth Arden’s New Look

Elizabeth Arden si rinnova: packaging moderni, formulazioni innovative, nuove gamme colore e collezioni di makeup, il lancio della linea skincare Visible Difference, la scelta di una Global Makeup Artist e, per la gioia delle clienti, una rete di distribuzione più estesa.
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Elizabeth Arden has modernized: new packaging, innovative formulations, new color ranges and makeup collections, the launch of Visible Difference skincare line, the choice of a Global Makeup Artist and a more extensive distribution network to make the customers happy.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty, Event

[26 Set 2012 | 6 comments | ]
InterCHARM MILANO 2012: Beauty Secrets

Il 6-7-8 ottobre potrete scoprire insieme a noi i segreti di InterCHARM MILANO. Saremo tra le protagoniste della mini web-series Beauty Secrets che racconterà la fiera con gli occhi di noi beauty blogger. Vorreste venire con noi?
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You can disclose InterCHARM MILANO secrets on October the 6th, 7th and 8th.We will be two of the protagonists of the web mini-series Beauty Secrets that will tell you the exhibition through the beauty bloggers’ eyes. Would you like to come with us?

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Event

[25 Set 2012 | no comment | ]
B by Limoni Make Up Academy ♥ Milano Fashion Week

Una Fashion Week intensa per B by Limoni, protagonista nelle vie della moda milanese con la B Beauty Box, una carinissima Makeup room in via Mercanti, pronta ad ospitare tutte le ragazze in cerca di un consiglio!
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An intense Fashion Week for B by Limoni, protagonist in the streets of Milan with B Beauty Box, a cute Makeup room in via Mercanti, ready to welcome all the girls looking for advice!

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