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Articoli in Sculpture

!Kawaii News!, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[20 Mag 2014 | no comment | ]
Paper Cuts - Spoke Art Gallery

Paper Cuts è la mostra alla Spoke Art di San Francisco aperta dal 3 al 24 maggio che raccoglie opere molto diverse tra di loro, ma accomunate dal mezzo usato: la carta.
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Paper Cuts is the show at the Spoke Art Gallery in San Francisco opened from May 3 to 24, which showcases a versatile range of artists working exclusively in paper.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[8 Mag 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Mark Ryden “The Gay 90’s: West” at the Kohn Gallery

“The Gay 90s: West” è la più recente mostra personale di Mark Ryden inaugurata alla Kohn Gallery. Il titolo si ispira al nome che ha assunto la fine ‘800 in America, un’epoca che viene ricordata con nostalgia, quando la vita era più semplice, genuina e spensierata.
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“The Gay 90s: West” is the latest solo exhibition of Mark Ryden opened at Kohn Gallery. The title refers to the decade of the 1890s, an age remembered with nostalgia, when life was more simple, genuine and carefree.

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!Kawaii News!, Sculpture

[3 Apr 2014 | 1 comment | ]
Junko Mizuno for Swarovski ♥ The Lovlots Zodiac

Junko Mizuno per il 2014 ha curato il design dei 12 personaggi dello Zodiaco Cinese per Swarovski, la collezione si chiama “The Lovlots Zodiac”.
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Junko Mizuno designed 12 characters of 2014 Chinese Zodiac for Swarovski, the name of the collection is “The Lovlots Zodiac”.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, Toy

[24 Feb 2014 | no comment | ]
Nostalgia at Modern Eden Gallery

Nostalgia è la mostra collettiva che è possibile ammirare alla Modern Eden Gallery di San Francisco, ispirata ai giocattoli che hanno tenuto compagnia durante l’infanzia ai numerosi artisti che hanno aderito allo show.
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Nostalgia is a group show which can be visited at the Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, inspired by the favourite toys and games of the childhood of the many artists who have joined the exhibition.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[2 Gen 2014 | no comment | ]
Wanderlust ♥ Modern Eden Gallery

Wanderlust è una mostra di gruppo organizzata alla Modern Eden Gallery di San Francisco che ha come tema il viaggio, che si rispecchia anche nella dimensione delle opere esposte, tutte in un formato da valigia.
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Wanderlust is a group exhibition housed at the Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, the theme of the show is the travel, which is also reflected in the size of the works on display, suitcase sized.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[11 Dic 2013 | no comment | ]
Lacrima Aquarium Group Show, in the Mother’s Womb

Lacrima Aquarium è una mostra nello storico edificio Acquario Romano che vede protagonisti 33 artisti della corrente neo surrealista pop che hanno interpretato l’acqua, come fonte femminile di vita, personificazione della bellezza e della natura.
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Lacrima Aquarium is a exhibition in the historical Acquario Romano and displays the works of 33 pop surrealist artists who have interpreted the water, as a feminine source of life, the personification of beauty and nature.

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!Kawaii News!, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[31 Ott 2013 | no comment | ]
Birth, Death, and Rebirth: Muertitas by Krisztianna

Krisztianna ha reso omaggio al Dia de Los Muertos con le “Muertitas”, delle sculture che rappresentano il ciclo della natura di nascita, morte e rinascita.
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Krisztianna was inspired by the Dia de Los Muertos to create the “Muertitas”, sculptures that represent the cycles of nature, birth, death, and rebirth.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture

[9 Set 2013 | 2 comments | ]
La Luz De Jesus ♥ Beer is Art

È stata inaugurata il 6 settembre “Beer Is Art” alla La Luz De Jesus Gallery a Los Angeles, la mostra nasce dall’idea di considerare il sottobicchiere della birra una tela bianca che nelle sapienti mani degli artisti si trasforma in una vera opera d’arte.
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“Beer Is Art” was inaugurated on September 6 at the La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles, in this exhibition beer coaster is a blank canvas that artists can turn it into a work of art.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty, Packaging, Painting, Sculpture

[26 Giu 2013 | no comment | ]
Focus on: Beauty and Art

Arte e makeup spesso si intersecano nell’ambito della body art e nella fotografia, ma c’è una grande creatività anche nelle installazioni, dove i prodotti vengono anche utilizzati come materia per creare meravigliose sculture o dove le opere sono ispirate dai cosmetici.
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Art and makeup often blend together in the body art and photography, but there is a great creativity even in the installations, where the products become also material to create beautiful sculptures or where this works are inspired by cosmetics.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture

[21 Giu 2013 | no comment | ]
3rd Annual Tiny Trifecta Show ♥ Cotton Candy Machine

Tiny Trifecta è la mostra annuale ospitata alla Cotton Candy Machine di Tara McPherson, la cui caratteristica è di dare all’arte un prezzo democratico: ogni artista deve infatti presentare 3 piccole opere che verranno vendute a 100$ ciascuna.
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Tiny Trifecta is the annual show held at the Cotton Candy Machine founded by Tara McPherson, whose feature is to give art a democratic price: in fact, each artist must submit 3 small works that will be sold at $100 each.

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