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Tag: dark

!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[12 Apr 2013 | no comment | ]
Anarkitty: the Dual Nature of Women

Anarkitty è lo pseudonimo di Emma Geary, un’artista inglese che si muove nell’ambito del pop surrealismo e rappresenta principalmente opere dai soggetti femminili che definisce “candy coated corruption” (”depravazione glassata”).
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Anarkitty is Emma Geary’s pseudonym, an English pop surrealist artist who paints mainly works with female beauties, which she describes as “candy coated corruption”.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration, Painting

[11 Mar 2011 | 2 comments | ]
Sugar ‘n Splice… and All Things Nice

Sugar ‘n Splice è una mostra il cui tema è la dissonanza sempre affascinante tra gli stereotipi del mondo kawaii e gli elementi che rimandano a realtà più oscure e talvolta crudeli. Partecipano Jeremiah Ketner, Yoko d’Holbachie, Jason Limon e Aya Kakeda.
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Sugar ‘n Splice is an exhibition whose theme is the always fascinating dissonance between the stereotypes of kawaii world and the elements that remind of obscure and sometimes cruel realities. The featured artists are Jeremiah Ketner, Yoko d’Holbachie, Jason Limon e Aya Kakeda.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Apparel, Beauty, Photography

[28 Ott 2010 | 1 comment | ]
Kawaii Interview: La Carmina

La Carmina è un’esperta in subculture alternative e moda giapponesi. È una blogger, cool hunter, trend setter e presenta dei programmi per diversi canali televisivi che riguardano i suoi argomenti preferiti: moda alternativa giapponese, cucina, locali a tema.
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La Carmina is an expert in alternative Japanese subcultures and fashion. She is a blogger, cool hunter, a trend setter and she host programs for different TV channels about her favorite subjects: Japanese alternative fashion, cuisine, theme cafes and clubs.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[21 Set 2010 | 10 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Princess Hime Lolita vs Punk Lolita

Dopo avervi mostrato alcuni dei tipi di lolita più importanti, qui metteremo a confronto due look creati dal Kawaii Team ispirati a due generi di lolita quasi diametralmente opposti: vi sentite di più Hime Lolita o Punk Lolita?
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After showing some of the most important styles of lolita, here we will compare two looks made by Kawaii Team and inspired by two almost diametrically opposite lolitas: do you feel more like Hime Lolita or Punk Lolita?

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Illustration

[17 Set 2010 | 3 comments | ]
Japanese Drops: Lolita Style ♥ Part 2

Dopo aver presentato le Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro ed Erotic Lolita, come vi avevamo anticipato, qui illustreremo le caratteristiche delle Hime, Punk, Guro, Country, Wa, Qi e Pirate Lolita, forse meno conosciute, ma sempre molto kawaii.
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After talking about Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro and Erotic Lolitas, as we anticipated, here are the features of Hime, Punk, Guro, Country, Wa, Qi and Pirate Lolita, perhaps less known but still very kawaii.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Illustration

[14 Set 2010 | 4 comments | ]
Japanese Drops: Lolita Style ♥ Part 1

Siamo felicissime di pubblicare una serie di articoli che parleranno delle Lolita. Qui introdurremo l’argomento e parleremo di Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro ed Erotic Lolita
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We are delighted to publish a series of articles about Lolitas. Here we will introduce the topic and we will talk about Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro and Erotic Lolita

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Painting

[5 Lug 2010 | 2 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Titti Garelli

Titti Garelli è un’artista eclettica italiana dallo stile particolareggiato e raffinato. Ritratti di bambine crudeli ispirate alle favole, ma anche alla cultura pop e consumistica che fa diventare le bambine delle piccole adulte.
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Titti Garelli is an eclectic Italian artist who has a tidy and refined style. Her portrais of little cruel girls inspired by fairy tales but also by pop culture and consumerism that makes girls seem like small adults.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Shop, Underwear

[19 Apr 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Katherina Andreeva, Alternative Couture From Paris

Katherina Andreeva è una giovane fashion designer russa, che mischia con gusto elementi vittoriani, fetish, il punk, lolita style e kawaii elaborato da un punto di vista più malizioso.
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Katherina Andreeva is a young Russian fashion designer, who mixes Victorian, fetish, punk elements but also lolita style and kawaii interpreted with a malicious point of view.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, [Art Misc]

[9 Mar 2010 | 7 comments | ]
Alice in Wonderland The Movie - Tim Burton

Le pubblicità e i trailer hanno iniziato a martellarci dallo scorso anno, di che cosa stiamo parlando? Del film dell’anno ovviamente, che per ogni ragazza kawaii che si rispetti non è “Avatar”, bensì “Alice in Wonderland” di Tim Burton.
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The advertisings and the trailers have begun to bombard us since the last year, what are we talking about? The movie of the year, of course, that for every self-respecting kawaii girl isn’t “Avatar”, but is “Alice in Wonderland” by Tim Burton.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Photography

[2 Nov 2009 | 14 comments | ]
Le atmofere oniriche di Natalie Shau

Natalie Shau è un’artista lituana che crea dei mondi affascinanti e surreali ispirati alla religione, alle favole e alla letteratura classica russa. È illustratrice, fotografa, artista digitale e lavora anche nel mondo dell’advertising.
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Natalie Shau is Lithuanian artist who creates fascinating and surreal worlds inspired by religion, fairy tales and classical Russian literature. She is an illustrator, a photographer, a digital artist and also works in the advertising.

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