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Tag: poll

!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[17 Feb 2011 | 30 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: The Last Unicorn vs My Little Pony

Gli unicorni sono esseri magici e incantati, protagonisti delle più belle fiabe. Ecco i due unicorni più celebri a confronto in due look dallo stile molto diverso: l’elegante Ultimo Unicorno e il dolce Mio Mini Pony.
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Unicorns are magical and enchanted creatures, characters of the most beautiful fairy tales.
We have compared the two most famous unicorns making two different looks: the elegant Last Unicorn and the sweet My Little Pony.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty, Photography

[14 Gen 2011 | 21 comments | ]
Neve Cosmetics: Cruelty Free and Versatile Colours

Neve Cosmetics è un marchio di make-up made in Italy caratterizzato dalla versatilità dei prodotti, dai colori unici e particolari e dall’essere cruelty free e vegano nella quasi totalità dei prodotti.
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Neve Cosmetics is a brand of make-up made in Italy characterized by the versatility of products, by unique and original colors and by being cruelty free and vegan for almost all products.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[26 Nov 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Kawaii Look Rapunzel: Tangled Walt Disney vs Shrek III DreamWorks

Due look ispirati alle principesse dai lunghissimi capelli Raperonzolo: la giovane e vivace Rapunzel e la Raperonzolo che compare nel film Shrek Terzo e che compare nel film Shrek Terzo come alleata di Azzurro.
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Two looks inspired by princesses from the long hair Rapunzel: the young and lively Rapunzel of Tangled and Rapunzel that appears in the film Shrek The Third, who is allied with Prince Charming.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery, Underwear

[2 Nov 2010 | 6 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Autumn vs Winter

È da poco passato Halloween e in onore dal significato pagano originale di questa festa abbiamo composto due look dedicati all’Autunno e all’Inverno.
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It is just past Halloween and in honor of the original pagan meaning of this celebration we made two looks dedicated to Autumn and Winter.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Event, Jewellery, Object, [Art Misc]

[5 Ott 2010 | 4 comments | ]
Kawaii Look for Halloween: Evil Queen vs Maleficent

Halloween si sta avvicinando e le kawaii girls potranno trovare in questo articolo delle ispirazioni ideali per la notte delle streghe. Ecco quindi a confronto due look ispirati a Grimilde e Malefica. Cattive sì, ma con stile!
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We are coming up to Halloween and the kawaii girls could find some inspirations for that night in this article. So here are two looks inspired by Evil Queen and Maleficent. Villains? Yes, but stylish!

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[21 Set 2010 | 10 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Princess Hime Lolita vs Punk Lolita

Dopo avervi mostrato alcuni dei tipi di lolita più importanti, qui metteremo a confronto due look creati dal Kawaii Team ispirati a due generi di lolita quasi diametralmente opposti: vi sentite di più Hime Lolita o Punk Lolita?
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After showing some of the most important styles of lolita, here we will compare two looks made by Kawaii Team and inspired by two almost diametrically opposite lolitas: do you feel more like Hime Lolita or Punk Lolita?

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Illustration

[17 Set 2010 | 3 comments | ]
Japanese Drops: Lolita Style ♥ Part 2

Dopo aver presentato le Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro ed Erotic Lolita, come vi avevamo anticipato, qui illustreremo le caratteristiche delle Hime, Punk, Guro, Country, Wa, Qi e Pirate Lolita, forse meno conosciute, ma sempre molto kawaii.
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After talking about Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro and Erotic Lolitas, as we anticipated, here are the features of Hime, Punk, Guro, Country, Wa, Qi and Pirate Lolita, perhaps less known but still very kawaii.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Illustration

[14 Set 2010 | 4 comments | ]
Japanese Drops: Lolita Style ♥ Part 1

Siamo felicissime di pubblicare una serie di articoli che parleranno delle Lolita. Qui introdurremo l’argomento e parleremo di Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro ed Erotic Lolita
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We are delighted to publish a series of articles about Lolitas. Here we will introduce the topic and we will talk about Sweet, Gothic, Classic, Shiro, Kuro and Erotic Lolita

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Beauty, Jewellery

[2 Ago 2010 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Look: Alice vs Queen of Hearts

Vi sentite di più Alice o la Regina di Cuori? Ci siamo divertite a creare dei look per l’estate, vota: qual è il tuo preferito?
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Do you feel more like Alice or the Queen of Hearts? We enjoyed making some looks for summer, vote: what’s your favorite one?

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