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Tag: USA

!Kawaii News!, [Art Misc], [Design Misc]

[13 Dic 2017 | no comment | ]
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Images, Review & Plot

“Star Wars: Gli ultimi Jedi” è l’8° episodio della saga scritto e diretto da Rian Johnson e ambientato dopo gli eventi de Il risveglio della Forza. Ieri abbiamo avuto la fortuna di partecipare alla première di Milano ed ecco il nostro commento!
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“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is the 8th episode of the saga written and directed by Rian Johnson and the story begins after the events of The Force Awakens. Yesterday we had the pleasure to attend the Milan premiere and here is our comment!

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!Kawaii News!, [Art Misc]

[25 Ott 2017 | no comment | ]
Thor - Ragnarok: Plot, Images, Review

“Thor: Ragnarok” è il nuovo capitolo della saga del dio del Tuono diretto da Taika Waititi, il film segue a “Thor” del 2011 e “Thor: The Dark World” del 2013 ed è il diciassettesimo film del Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Thor: Ragnarok is the new chapter of the saga of the god of Thunder directed by Taika Waititi, the film is the sequel to 2011’s Thor and 2013’s Thor: The Dark World and the 17th one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture, [Art Misc]

[25 Set 2017 | no comment | ]
Heart’s Blood - The Group Show Inspired by a Oscar Wilde’s Fairytale

Il drammatico racconto di Oscar Wilde “L’usignolo e la rosa” è stata l’ispirazione per la mostra “Heart’s Blood”, ospitata alla Haven Art Gallery e curata da Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. La mostra raccoglie i lavori di oltre 40 artisti, tra cui la nostra Zoe Lacchei.
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Oscar Wilde’s dramatic story ‘The nightingale and the rose’ was the inspiration for ‘Heart’s Blood’ show, housed at the Haven Art Gallery and curated by Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. The exhibition displays the works of over 40 artists, including our Zoe Lacchei.

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!Kawaii News!, [Art Misc]

[15 Set 2017 | no comment | ]
Cars 3 by Disney Pixar: Images, Review, Plot

Il 14 settembre è finalmente uscito anche nei cinema italiani Cars 3, il terzo capitolo della serie di animazione diretto da Brian Fee, prodotto da Disney Pixar e distribuito da Walt Disney Pictures. Il film già stato rilasciato in altri Paesi a giugno e ha raggiunto un incasso di oltre $350 milioni.
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Cars 3, the third episode of the animated saga directed by Brian Fee, produced by Disney Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, was finally released in Italian Theatres on September 14. The film was released on June 16 in the other countries and has grossed $350 million worldwide.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting, [Art Misc]

[6 Set 2017 | no comment | ]
Nicoletta Ceccoli and Yuka Sakuma: the Secrets of Adolescence

Corey Helford Gallery ospita fino al 16 settembre le personali della sammarinese Nicoletta Ceccoli e della giapponese Yuka Sakuma, due artiste accomunate dallo stile delicato e raffinato e dalle tematiche delle loro opere che si muovono nella zona grigia dell’adolescenza.
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Corey Helford Gallery houses until September 16th the solo exhibitions of Nicoletta Ceccoli from San Marino and Yuka Sakuma from Japan, two artists that have in common the delicate and refined style and the themes of their works that depict the age of adolescence.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[1 Set 2017 | no comment | ]
Brandi Milne Solo Show: Once Upon a Quiet Kingdom at Corey Helford Gallery

Il 19 agosto Corey Helford Gallery ha inaugurato la personale di Brandi Milne, “Once Upon a Quiet Kingdom”, una mostra che l’artista californiana autodidatta ha maturato in 3 anni di sperimentazioni e di lavoro su se stessa.
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On August 19, Corey Helford Gallery opened Brandi Milne’s solo ‘Once Upon a Quiet Kingdom’, an exhibition that the self-taught Californian artist has developed in three years of experimentation and working on herself.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[25 Ago 2017 | no comment | ]
Ravina the Witch? by Junko Mizuno at Nucleus Gallery

Nucleus Gallery ospita ancora nei suoi spazi Junko Mizuno, com’era stato già fatto nel 2011 per le tavole di Cinderalla, questa volta in esposizione e vendita troviamo quelle di “Ravina the Witch?”, manga pubblicato originariamente nel 2014 dalla casa editrice francese Soleil.
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Nucleus Gallery houses Junko Mizuno again, as it was already happened in 2011 for Cinderalla original paintings, this time on display and on sale here are ‘Ravina the Witch?’ ones, manga originally released in 2014 by the French publisher Soleil.

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!Kawaii News!, Photography

[27 Lug 2017 | no comment | ]
Brandon Woelfel’s Magical Night Photography

Bagliori, luci sfuggenti e lampi di colore: le fotografie di Brandon Woelfel dipingono un mondo romantico e fatato, riuscendo a cogliere dei piccoli momenti di serenità, pronti a sfuggirci tra le dita.
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Glows, flashing lights and neon dots: Brandon Woelfel’s photographs depict a romantic and fairy-tale world, capturing small moments of happiness, while are slipping through our fingers.

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!Kawaii News!, Illustration, Painting

[21 Lug 2017 | no comment | ]
Defying Gravity: Humans and Other Objects in Mid-Air

“Defying Gravity: Humans and Other Objects in Mid-Air” è la mostra alla Corey Helford Gallery che esplora il fascino della fluttuazione, attraverso un percorso realizzato da 15 artisti.
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‘Defying Gravity: Humans and Other Objects in Mid-Air’ is the show at the Corey Helford Gallery that explores the charm of fluctuation through the works of 15 artists.

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!Kawaii News!, Photography, [Art Misc]

[12 Lug 2017 | no comment | ]
Miles Aldridge Has Captured the Cast of Game of Thrones in Over-Saturated Colors

“La forte saturazione dei colori è il filo conduttore che trasporta gli spettatori nel mondo che ho creato per questi attori mentre l’accurata collocazione e selezione di ogni elemento del set dà vita al mondo mistico e oscuro de Il Trono di Spade”
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‘The vivid color narrative in each [photo] brings the viewers into the world I have created for these actors while the careful placement and selection of each prop brings to life the mystical, dark world of The Game of Thrones.’

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