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Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader: Fashion + Animated Gif

1 Febbraio 2012 4 comments

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader
Pamela Reed e Matthew Rader sono due fotografi e artisti multimediali che lavorano in coppia e sperimentano diversi modi per superare la tradizionale concezione della fotografia come mezzo statico, ricercando un’interazione con il fruitore del messaggio.

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader are two photographers and multimedia artists who work in pairs and experience different ways to overcome the traditional conception of photography as a static medium, researching an interaction with the readers.

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Tra i loro lavori troviamo video interattivi, cortometraggi e applicativi per la realtà aumentata, anche se nel web impazzano le loro bellissime gif animate di moda: hanno un formato che non richiede l’installazione di programmi, si prestano alla viralizzazione, hanno un gusto digital retrò e non sono le solite gif animate a scatti e infantili, ma dei veri e proprio quadri in movimento.

The mediums of their works are interactive online features, short films and augmented reality programs, even if the web is going crazy about their beautiful fashion animated gifs: they have a format that does not require installation of any software, they can become easily viral, they have a digital retro taste and they are not the classic childhood jerkily animated gifs, but they are real moving paintings.

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Reed + Rader vogliono superare la staticità della stampa e grazie alla diffusione delle riviste online gli editoriali diventano un’occasione per creare delle atmosfere emozionanti e gustarsi parte della sessione fotografica.

Reed + Rader want to overcome the static nature of print and thanks to online magazines the editorials are moments to create exciting atmospheres and enjoy some pieces of the photo session.

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Reed + Rader prendono ispirazione dai sogni, cercano di riportarli alla realtà insieme alle nevrosi umane che si prestano molto bene ad essere utilizzate nella ripetizione ciclica delle gif animate, nelle loro immagini possiamo trovare qualcosa di inquietante che attira di più la nostra attenzione e ci affascina.

Reed + Rader are inspired by dreams, they try to bring them back to reality, along with human neuroses, that are suitable to be repeated in the animated gifs, their pictures can be disturbing but this attracts our attention and fascinates us.

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Il goal è quello di abbattere le barriere e non vedo l’ora di vedere quali saranno i prossimi lavori di questi artisti multicanale.

The goal is to break down barriers and I look forward to seeing the next works of these multi-channel artists.

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, fashion animated gif, gif animate di moda
© Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader

Questo articolo contiene gif animate, visualizzarle potrebbe richiedere quache minuto.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This article contains animated gifs, it may require few minutes to be loaded.

Fonti / Via:
REED + RADER Twitter


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  • Veronique said:


  • Giulia VanityRoom said:

    waaaaa bellissime questo foto!!!!!!!! *.*

  • Muriomu said:

    Articolo pesantuccio >_.<
    Tutte affascinanti comunque!

  • ika said:


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