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Tag: doll

!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Event, Toy

[29 Giu 2012 | no comment | ]
Superdoll Collectables and Elizabeth Arden Inspired by Abbe Lane

Superdoll Twist è la nuova bambola Superdoll Collectables ispirata ad Abbe Lane, attrice degli anni ‘50 che ha contribuito a rivoluzionare in quegli anni l’immagine femminile. In questo contesto riusciamo a capire la partnership con il brand Elizabeth Arden.
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Superdoll Twist is the new Superdoll Collectables doll inspired by Abbe Lane, actress of the ’50s, who helped revolutionize the concept of womanhood in those years. In this context we can understand more deeply the partnership with Elizabeth Arden.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration, Painting

[17 Feb 2012 | 2 comments | ]
The Still Life ♥ The Solo Show by Mijn Schatje

Still Life è il titolo della nuova mostra dell’artista francese Mijn Schatje, che ha come location la Mondo Bizzarro Gallery di Roma. Rose rosse, orchidee viola e margherite rosa… vive. Fiori animati che hanno teste di ragazze con la corolla.
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Still Life is the name of Mijn Schatje’s new exhibition at Mondo Bizzarro Gallery in Rome (Italy). Red roses, purple orchids and pink daisies… alive. Animated Flowers who have girl faces with a corolla.

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!Kawaii News!, Beauty, Place, Toy

[12 Gen 2012 | 3 comments | ]
A New Hairstyle for Barbie by Bleach

A fine dicembre si è svolta un’iniziativa molto carina che vedeva coinvolta Barbie, che per due settimane è stata acconciata dai parrucchieri dei saloni Bleach, utilizzando anche i suoi capelli personalizzabili e stampabili: i Designable Hair.
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At the end of December there was a cute initiative where Barbie took part in, her hair were done by the hair stylists of Bleach salons for two weeks, even using her customizable and printable hair: the Designable Hair.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Beauty, Photography

[20 Dic 2011 | 7 comments | ]
Christmas Makeup: I Love Candies ♥ Golden Casinò by Pupa

Uno dei simboli più kawaii del Natale sono i bastoncini di zucchero. Laura ha pensato che non fossero solo buoni, ma che potevano essere fonte di ispirazione per un look natalizio: ha trasformato Angela in un folletto.
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One of the most kawaii Christmas symbols is the Candy Cane. Laura has thought that they were not only good, but that they could be a source of inspiration for a Christmas look: Angela has turned into a Christmas Pixie.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Accessories, Beauty, Jewellery, Shop, Toy

[15 Dic 2011 | 11 comments | ]
Focus on: SOS Kawaii Christmas Gifts

Siamo agli sgoccioli! Panico regali? Cosa regalare quest’anno ai nostri cari per Natale? Ecco qualche idea kawaii, sia per le più piccine che per le più grandicelle suddivise in Kawaii Gifts e Sophisticated Gifts.
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What will we give to our loved ones for Christmas this year? Here are some kawaii ideas both for children and adults, divided into Kawaii Gifts and Sophisticated Gifts.

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!Kawaii News!, Accessories, Apparel, Toy

[18 Ott 2011 | 17 comments | ]
Tokidoki New Model: Barbie

Tokidoki Barbie Doll è la prima Barbie tatuata, ha un look fashion street e porta un originale caschetto rosa. L’abbigliamento? Un total look Tokidoki e tiene al guinzaglio il celebre Cactus Friend Bastardino.
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Tokidoki Barbie Doll is the first Barbie tattooed, she has a street fashion look and she has shaped her hair into a pink bob. The clothes? A Tokidoki total look and she has Bastardino on a leash, the famous green Cactus Friend.

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!Kawaii Box!, !Kawaii News!, Event, Illustration, Painting

[21 Set 2011 | 3 comments | ]
Kawaii Interview: Rock’n'Dolls

Una nuova musica si ode alla galleria MondoPOP in occasione di una mostra collettiva incentrata sulla bellezza femminile interpretata da artisti pop surrealisti. Abbiamo intervistato alcuni tra questi e abbiamo chiesto quale fosse la loro playlist ideale.
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There is a new music at MondoPOP gallery on the occasion of the group exhibition focusing on female beauty interpreted by pop surrealist artists. We interviewed some of these artists and we asked them what is their ideal playlist.

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!Kawaii News!, GIFT, Object, Toy

[3 Dic 2010 | 9 comments | ]
Kawaii Contest: USBdolls ♥ The Winners

Il concorso “Kawaii Contest: USBdolls, Kawaii Pendrives” è terminato!
Scopriamo insieme le vincitrici delle quattro USBdolls e le menzioni speciali!
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“Kawaii Contest: USBdolls, Kawaii Pendrives” is ended!
Discover the winners of the four USBdolls and the honorable mentions!

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!Kawaii News!, Toy

[18 Nov 2010 | 13 comments | ]
Barbie ♥ I Can Be

Cos’è stata Barbie per noi e cosa rappresenta ora?
Adesso faremo un tuffo nei ricordi, che siamo felici di poter condividere con voi.
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What did Barbie mean to us and what does she represent now?
Now here is our blast from the past and we are happy to share it with you.

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!Kawaii News!, Event, Painting

[16 Nov 2010 | 9 comments | ]
Incubi Celesti ♥ The Solo Show by Nicoletta Ceccoli

Gli “Incubi Celesti” di Nicoletta Ceccoli. L’addio all’infanzia, che segna il passaggio all’età adulta e l’abbandono dei giochi e della spensieratezza.
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“Incubi Celesti” (”Heavenly Nightmares”) by Nicoletta Ceccoli. The farewell to childhood, which marks the transition to adulthood, to toys and to light-heartedness.

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