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Dina Goldstein: Barbie and Ken In the Dollhouse

3 Luglio 2014 no comment

Dina Goldstein, Bedroom Magazines - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Bedroom Magazines - In The Dollhouse

In The Dollhouse è un progetto fotografico di Dina Goldstein, realizzato in collaborazione con altri artisti, che mostra ipotetiche scene di vita quotidiana di Barbie e Ken.

In The Dollhouse is a photographic project by Dina Goldstein, made in collaboration with other artists, which shows Barbie and Ken in their hypothetical everyday life together.

Dina Goldstein, Bathroom Mirror - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Bathroom Mirror - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein, Breakfast - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Breakfast - In The Dollhouse

Il progetto mira a far riflettere sul rapporto tra potere, bellezza e felicità: la bellezza e la perfezione non sono requisiti sufficienti per vivere in modo felice e appagante, nonostante la nostra società ci bombardi con modelli irraggiungibili a cui aspirare.

The project aims to make people think about the relationship between power, beauty and happiness: beauty and perfection are not sufficient requirements for a happy and fulfilling life, despite our society bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards to aspire to.

Dina Goldstein, Dining Alone - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Dining Alone - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein, Passed Out - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Passed Out - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein enfatizza le caratteristiche tipiche di Ken, sempre perfetto, curato in ogni minimo dettaglio, ma privato della sua mascolinità e represso, e di Barbie, dalla bellezza sconvolgente, ma profondamente insicura e infelice.

Dina Goldstein emphasizes the characteristics of Ken, always perfect and over groomed but emasculated and suppressed, and Barbie, the stunning beautiful but deeply insecure and unhappy.

Dina Goldstein, The Dream - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, The Dream - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein, Tub & Toilet - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Tub & Toilet - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein ha curato personalmente assieme al team creativo la costruzione di tutti i set e scelto accuratamente i modelli: Nathaniel Campbell che ha trasferito negli scatti anche il lato spiritoso e ironico di Ken e Reghan Blake, grande fan della più famosa bambola di Mattel che è riuscita a mostrare con grande intensità la sofferenza di Barbie in “Haircut”.

Dina Goldstein with the creative team has personally taken care of building all the sets and has chosen the models: Nathaniel Campbell who brought Ken’s sense of humor in the photos and Reghan Blake, big Barbie fan, that was able to show a great intensity and suffering in the “Haircut” photo.

Dina Goldstein, The Affair - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, The Affair - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein, Haircut - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Haircut - In The Dollhouse

Dina Goldstein, Headless - In The Dollhouse
© Dina Goldstein, Headless - In The Dollhouse

In The Dollhouse Website
Dina Goldstein Website
Dina Goldstein Twitter
Dina Goldstein Facebook
Dina Goldstein Instagram


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